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Again, I have to repeat how amazing this VN is, although today I’m speaking mainly of the soundtrack. It works so well, and several pieces are truly beautiful. The other day, in fact, I was having a tough time- I was heavily overstimulated and needed something to help me relax and de-stress. Music has always helped me with that, and on this occasion, the piece for the scene with Aki in the storage room was exactly what I needed. The soft, soothing melody really helped calm me down. I was wondering if it is possible to get a copy of the soundtrack?

(1 edit)

Hey, thanks a ton, mate! Lovely of you to say. I'm really happy that CH's soundtrack was able to help you de-stress. :)

The song in question is "Emotional Piano Improvisation" by Alexander Nakarada. You can find the file in "CrimsonHigh/game/audio" or in many places online. :)

(All the other music files I use for CH are in that folder too, of course.)


Cool, thanks. I have to admit, I think Aki’s might be my favorite character story. I really love the redemption stories- people who make mistakes, some of them even worse than in here, but are able to come back stronger than before. It’s even better in cases like this, when someone (Ren in this case) who could rightly stand as an accuser, instead takes the lead in helping the offender to heal. The world would be a much better place if more people chose that path!

Yeah, it's easy to feel offended and just look at the perpetrator as a bad person instead of questioning if there's an underlying issue that maybe could be solved. But to be fair, most people have enough on their hands with their own problems, so that there's little left in terms of capacity to help everyone else. It's sad but it's also the reality of our world and somewhat of a downward spiral.

That being said, redemption stories are pretty neato, indeed. :)


This VN is great! Simply wonderful Suzu is the best gurl! Hina must be protected at all costs!! The only tiny little thing I would change is that a few more choices would be good! Other than that, PERFECTION!

Glad to hear you like it!

So far I've had no big problems, but I've found that everytime I return from the accessibility menu, it's no longer playable. The image remains, but the text and functions at the bottom all disappear, and nothing seems to be doable. On Android.


Yep, that's known and fixed in the newest version. 

(1 edit) (+1)

I just wanna say how good the game is I started playing a while ago and got hooked. The way Vertigo wrote the story makes me like the characters even more which is so good (im Team Miko and Team Okami) Im just wondering how long the next update will come out for the tier 0 members because when i finish I want to immediately go to the next update :D.

Also in a update soon will we go more in depth about the MCs mum and whether or not the MC is a myth.


Thanks, mate! Glad you like it. :D
Next T0 update will be out in ~2 weeks (plus the few days I need to finish the actual update lol).

And we will potentially maybe learn more about things in the next update already. Stay tuned. :P

(1 edit)

Ahoy is there any way I can access the pictures of a few of the characters sull body from a head on andnside profile preferably naked to be able to make it character accurate I have koikatsu and thought the school setting of the game would be cool to bring these characters into considering you can put your own custom characters into the game and it'll help tide me over between updates

If not that's obviously totally cool I can also pay if you'd like some money in exchange but worst case scenario I can just eyeball it

No matter what your answer thanks in advance 

Oh also just in case you were worried about it I don't plan on making my own game with it I can't wrap my head around even something as simple as a vn lol but again if you choose not to trust that i totally get it


Sorry to have to disappoint, mate, but I don't give out the character cards. Never did, probably never will. :)


aiy fair enough I figured no harm in asking lol thx anyways man have a good day


Suzu is best girl


You, Sir, are correct!


Suzu and Jun.


On a more humorous note than the other post, I kind of find myself hoping there’s a little mix-up with the costumes that got ordered… if Jun gets a spider costume by mistake, watching Suzu’s reaction will be absolutely hilarious!

Haha, yeah that would be fun, wouldn't it? :P


So… definitely getting the feeling that some kind of showdown is coming between Ren and Lilith Anzou. I wonder if possibly we have seen her without knowing her identity…


Like always your cliffhangers drive me absolutely crazy, and like always, they are written and executed flawlessly!!  Can't wait for the next one my friend!!  Although I am still waiting for more Nene!!

Thanks, mate! We're getting there.


I believe this is the first time I've commented on itch, but I HAD to thank you for making this game, Vertigo! I've finished the current update and all I want to do is play more and see where the story takes me. The combination of an intriguing story, a lovely and diverse cast, and great world building has made this one of my favorite VN that I've had the pleasure to play. Miko and Suzu have won my heart, but truly most of the characters you've designed are top-notch in design and personality, along with having interesting backstories. One of the things I've found to be very fun and unique to your VN so far is trying to guess a character's Myth (or if they're a Myth at all). I haven't said much about the scenes because, to be honest, if there were no scenes at all, I'd still be here for every update just to see the cast again. :D That being said, the scenes are animated nicely and the erotic situations the MC finds himself in are well written and very hot. Truly the whole package in a VN, I doubt you'll be disappointed if you give it a download. Thank you again Vertigo for this art, and I hope to soon be able to support your work financially as well. <3

Oh dang, thank you so much! What a lovely comment. :)


Not gonna lie, I hated the wait. But so worth the wait for the next update. :D But it felt do short, but so worth it :DDD

Classic :P

(3 edits) (+3)

I have never felt the need to really give my input on how I feel about a VN until now. This is probably, no, I'm almost certain, one of the most enjoyable VNs I have ever played. That is no exaggeration. The story is extremely enjoyable. There are just enough NSFW scenes to fit the genre but not too many where its overbearing and loses the focus of the story. THE STORY! I can't stress it enough. It really gives you the opportunity to really bond with each and every character. They all have their own story and you see how well they develop and how your relationship with them develops. It's not rushed and very thorough. The beautiful character designs, the attention to detail, the personalities, the expressions every character make in most conversations, the humor, in my opinion is perfectly executed. You can easily see just how much effort and attention you gave this one, Vertigo, you really outdid yourself. I am YEARNING for the next update. I am seriously addicted and need more. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to experience this fun journey that you have created. I will be following this one until the end!


Gosh dang it. Y'all keep one-upping each other with your comments. :D
Thank you so much, friend! Your comment is amazing! :)

(1 edit) (+2)

Can someone help me find a game, it's about a guy who after a tragic event goes to his grandpa's cabin in hills but just in hours after arriving the world is hit by mist , shadow ghoul like creature that were normal humans and animals try to harm you as you go towards city, it's an alien/magical beings kinda invasion and i forgot it's name. If you can please help


Weird place to ask about this, but alright. :D
The game is (aptly) named "MIST". Should be available on here.


Probably thought it'd be seen a lot and be more likely to get an answer since this is currently the most popular VN tagged "Adult" at the moment

Oh, really? Well, that's nice to know :D

(2 edits) (+1)

The all knowing Vertigo shinning his knowledge upon us mere human again!(Another great update btw, and maybe a spoiler question, if we're able to use the Suzu's ability which I think will put us to a close to myth category,  are we able to get a summon like Ronin and Rio by any chance?)

It's a bit too spoiler-y to give an explicit answer to, so I'll go with "maybe". :P


That is more than enough :D

I've been following this game for a while now, and it never ceases to bring a smile to my face. The story is written extremely well, the humor is top notch, overall it's a very well done game. It's actually what sparked my interest in other VN's. If I had the extra cash, I would definitely be supporting on your Patreon.

(1 edit)

Thank you for your kind words, mate! I appreciate the morale boost!


Bro this game is so good.its my favorite out of all the games ive played. I just finished playing the update and it was good.can wait for next update keep up the good work!!!

Thanks, friend! Love to hear it! :)


Before I begin my comments, please let me extend my highest respect and thanks to this world's best (at least I think: D) visual novel game and its world's best creator Vertigo.

When you read my comments, you may think that my English words and expressions are very poor. I am very sorry for this, because I am a China player and a China player who is very unfamiliar with English. This is also where I want to praise the charm of this game. As a China player who knows English shit, when playing this game, at least most of the time, I need to switch back and forth between translation software and games (believe me, This is an extremely painful thing, although it is extremely painful, I still insist on playing it, because this game is so charming and attractive that I have never felt it in other games. It is an epic game, whether from beautiful pictures, characters with different personalities or other aspects.

My favorite character is Suzu. She is really a super cute vampire. From the beginning when I found her at school, she became shy and cute. This is a huge contrast. This contrast has created her charm. I think she may be the most popular character:-). My love for her can almost make me sleep and dream about her. There are other characters I also like, such as Miko and Jun (although I find that everyone seems to hate her, I still think she has something to like)

In a word, this is really a great masterpiece. I will think it is the best game I have ever come into contact with in my life. I beg you, Vertigo, don't let this epic game end soon. I intend to do my best to support the development of this game on Patreon, although it may be only a little support. In fact, I have never used Partreon. If I use Partreon for the first time as a reason to support the development of this game, I will I will continue to play the next update and keep playing, which means I will continue to switch back and forth between games and translation software in great pain; -), I don't think Vertigo will be like a superhero in a fairy tale making something like Chinese language options for some China players with poor English, which is unfair and worthless. The workload of making such a thing is quite huge, even if it is worthless to find some organizations that specialize in translating English games into Chinese, because these organizations often have high expenses. Therefore, I will continue to be extremely painful, but my pain is very valuable, because this game is really great, great, and the pleasure brought by playing this game completely crushes my pain. This is the best game in the world! !

Thanks again to Vertigo, the best game and creator in the world (and I'm sorry again to my friends who feel bad about my poor English, T.T.)


Wow, thank you so much, friend from China!
I'm really happy to hear that you enjoy Crimson High so much that you're even willing to use translator software to play it!
Apologies for the lack of a Chinese version - I wish I could give good translations for all kinds of languages, but as you said, it's not that easy in practice.
Your wish to support the game is amazing and definitely greatly appreciated. Thank you for your great comment! :)


Sir, this is a wendys


I swear, VertigoAVN, if I have to flip out in German after the next update....  Well, I'll be cross with you!! 


Nah, you don't have to do that. Just take it as it comes. It's better for the heart. :P

No, no it can't!!  Especially now that it turned 44!!


Is the public release tomorrow??  I'm on freaking tenderhooks since you LITERALLY left us hanging!!


Currently uploading, should be up in a bit.


Just made an account here on itch to say that this VN is fantastic. Absolutely love the characters, great work Vertigo. Aki Anzou is my favourite, she's really unique with her man-eater facade and horrific past. Then there's Reina, Suzu and Jun, Yukari, Okami and so many others... Really terrific. Can't wait for the next instalments.


Ahhh, thanks a lot, mate! Happy to hear!


Easily one of the best 3 AVN's I've played!!  Plot, story, writing, character development, all of it is SUPERB!!  I've told Vertigo that this story would be both easy to make into and popular as an anime or show!!

(1 edit) (+4)

The latest cliff hanger XD I can't wait for more. I will definitely be keeping myself updated with this VN as much as possible. Love the story, love the different personalities of the characters. My favorite story to follow so far. Honestly, I can't get enough of this story. I'm more excited for updates to this than any show I have ever seen before. Excellent story telling, Vertigo.


Heh, thank you, Halex. That's mighty kind of you to say.
Glad to hear that you like CH so much! :)

Why does it only download about 150megs, then says completed???

It's probably the fault of the service. I downloaded another game yesterday, and it also downloaded incompletely, except that I had a little link there titled "Downloads not starting?" I just clicked on it and selected some other method and the game downloaded in full. Here there is a problem with it, because when you click on "download" it goes directly to the download and not the next page, as with other projects.


There seems to indeed be a problem on's end. All downloads are to be found in the latest post on my Patreon for free, though. 


I just spent two days reading this visual novel and I am in love with this story, absolutely love the humor and plot. Why did it have to end on that cliffhanger though!!!! ;-; Noooooo!!!! I need more!!!! 


Don't worry, Vertigo has a great habit of leaving all the end of the update with a cliffhanger, hate love him so much, got the greatest characteristic of human kind!


Thanks a lot, friend. :)

Heh, I'm really happy to hear that. Thank you!
But yeah, as HaoIce already said, there's usually a cliffhanger at the end of each update. :P
New content generally drops on a roughly monthly basis. :)

Download says 2GB but i only downloaded 1.1GB.. Download is corrupt?

Possibly? For me it stops at 800 MB. I'm currently re-uploading the PC and Mac versions.
The issue might be on Itch's end, though. I'll look into it.


As far as I can tell it's an issue on Itch's end since the same happens for downloads of other games as well.
Either try downloading until it works as another comment on here has suggested, or head to my Patreon and download it from there for free.


Thank you! You are right about other games not fetching all files as well, wierd.


I CAN'T WITH THE ACRONYMS XD Definitely my favorite part of the game so far.

(1 edit) (+1)

i seem to have gotten an error. I downloaded the newest version (29.1) and after the download (when i extract it) it says the file is corrupted. Am i doing something wrong?


Delete it and retry. I had the same thing happen but it seemed to work just fine after the second download

he can i use an android save on a pc??


After reading - many of these kinds of visual novels, this easily ranks among the very top I've read. The characters are interesting and well developed, and the protagonist has depth. I don't usually write these reviews and it's difficult for me to characterize this novel in an "objective" review, because I understand that there are many different kinds of adult visual novels with many different kinds of themes, and people prefer all kinds of different things in these novels.

So, I decided to be subjective in my review, which will also reveal my preferences regarding these kinds of novels. Please understand I recommend this novel for purchase to anyone and everyone who are interested in adult visual novels regardless of any preferences I have.


> The Protagonist is a - good person. This novel does not force the player to chose to be a "bad person" in order to experience the full plot of the story.

> This novel does NOT suffer from the "Giant Boob and Butt Wars" GBBW.... I just made that up, and hope it catches on. Many recent adult visual novels suffer from the "my ridiculous large breasts and butts are bigger than your ridiculously large breasts and butts," war that is happening in comics and visual novels. The breast and butt sizes and shapes here are somewhat different for different characters - just like in real life.

> The story does not shove a bunch of sexual ideas and acts in your face that you may or may not prefer, except for one thing - I don't like, which I won't reference. Sex is part of this novel, but I would say, not the main part of this novel, which I find refreshing. Even though, the sexual aspects of this novel are very exciting and beautiful.

> The story is solid, cohesive and well developed. It's easy to like the good characters in this book and dislike the bad, and to get caught up in their virtual lives. Even though this novel has a lot of story and happenings in it, and took me quite a while to get through it, I was still really bummed when it ended and can't wait for the next installment, which I will gladly buy.

> The characters are absolutely beautiful and if I knew any of these "people" I would want to give them a big hug and thank them for existing in the story. I wish I could be part of this story in real life.

Cons: Please understand that what I say here is completely subjective and is based on - my personal preferences. I understand that my preferences will be contrary to many. But I hope that you can understand at least where I'm coming from, and perhaps that might inform you about the story at least as I see it. Internally, I do not at all disparage anyone for having different preferences than I do.

> Writing - there's too much of it. I'm a big fan of Ernest Hemingway's terse style of writing, and not a big fan of Herman Melville's thick prose. This Novel is thick with verbiage. I have a habit of skipping a lot of the dialog in these kinds of novels because I already know what they are going to say mostly, and regardless, I don't miss much of the story anyway. In this novel I skipped large portions of the dialog and didn't feel like I missed much. I am not into Japanese culture in general, and the possible conventions I see, like overly cutesy complex descriptions of various ... types of beings doesn't reach me emotionally. You'll understand what I mean when I say, I don't like the Lord of the Rings for the same reason. If something can be said coherently in three sentences then I prefer that it not be stretched out into three paragraphs. I'm older and I don't really want to listen to young people, working out their demons, or trying to find the courage to get to the point. I feel like, "come talk to me when you have all that worked out and decide what you're going to do." But... this story, is about many young people who are working things out in their crazy lives, which is wonderful, of course. I'm just older and have already heard that type of stuff many, many, many (many) times. I spend basically zero time thinking about my younger self and it's attempt at "working things out." Even though, and regardless, these younger characters are wonderful.

So there it is. Buy this novel? HELL YES. It's a fantastic work! I love the story, I love the characters, I love the look and very high quality of the renders, and I can't say enough good things about this visual novel.

Many thanks to the developer Vertigo, and congratulations. You hooked me big time. I can't wait for the story to continue.



Thanks a ton for the review! Much appreciated!


Thank you!


You LITERALLY left the story hanging!!  Grrr

Haha, yeah. The most cliffhanger-y cliffhanger I could make without a trip to the mountains. :P


You always leave us wanting more!!


I read this comment and thought it was a bit dramatic, but now that I'm also caught up, FUCK WHAT THE HELL VERTIGO

Also Vert you're the best can't wait for more T_T

Heh, thanks a lot :P


Yeah my comments to him are almost always like this after a new update!!  I like to speak my mind and entertain!!


Fick dich, Arschloch!!  How could you leave it THERE??!!??  AHHHHHHH


Geht's auch etwas weniger ordinär?


Nein, es ist verdammt perfekt, verdammt noch mal!!


I wanted to really give this game a shot, however my biggest ossue is the way the font/text is coloured with white outline.  Regretfully, as someone who is colourblind I found attempting to read the text difficult and painful enough to cause a headache as the scene's colours made it nigh impossible.

Definitely would love to retry if there was an update for the font (white font on a solid black text box?)


I forgot to add the explanation for this to the update but RenPy has accessibility settings for cases like this. When you start the game and press 'A' on your keyboard, they get pulled up and you can adjust the font and various other things to your needs.
Since I can't verify their effectiveness myself (as I'm not colorblind), I can only hope that these settings do what they promise.
If you want to give it another shot with these settings and they turn out to be insufficient, let me know and I'll look into a solution for next update - I was planning to add another font color selection anyway, but a starkly contrasted textbox might be worth considering, too.


Oh! Okay! Do you have any steps for Android users?


Well, yeah. The version you're currently using doesn't have a way to access this menu but I've created a quick patched version for Android that has the accessibility settings in the quick menu at the bottom once you're in the game.
Just download the "CrimsonHigh-v0.29.1.1.apk" from here and install that, then you should have access to the accessibility menu.
You might have to restart the application once after enabling the "High Contrast Text" setting for it to take effect but then it should do what you're looking for (white text on black background).

Quick disclaimer: This is a short-term fix and I haven't had the time to fully test it, so it might not fully work. That I can only guarantee for the next actual update (v0.30). So, if you do try this version, please keep this in mind. Any errors that might pop up aren't indicative of CH's usual quality and a product of this band-aid solution. I still hope it works for you and wish you a good time with the game! :)


Oh my gosh, thank you so much! I really appreciate your quick responses and taking the time to expand upon things! 


Hey! I reinstalled it and again truly than you so much! I know it is a temporary band-aid but it makes such a world of difference. :D

Hey, no worries! Glad it helped and I hope it makes the game enjoyable for you, too. :)


talk about nitpicking!!


How is asking about Android nitpicking? My laptop is ancient so most games I look for are Android compatible. Either way I am loving this game so far. :)


i just want to quickly express that i like a lot about this game and think its really good and also that i like the new menu screen. New update was good with a bit of tension and i look forward to the next one.


Thanks a lot!


Is it just me, or does anyone else think the timing of Machi's appearance is no coincidence? ... there's a lot more I'd like to say, but I should probably avoid giving potential spoilers in the event I'm right in my guesses. Very well written!

Thank you!


Oh! Right, that's what I was going to mention!

I love how MC is still using the picture of Suzu he got from Touka for her picture in his contacts. I dunno how it'd come up but just the thought of Suzu's reaction to seeing that her contact picture is one where she looks particularly grumpy is hilarious to me

(1 edit) (+2)

Bwahaha, yeah. I've got plans to have the girls interact more with the stuff that's going on on MC's phone anyway, so I might as well add that to the list. :D

(1 edit) (+1)

Best cliffhangers ever. New emotions everytime)

As much i hate them anywhere else, as much i like them here)

Haha, thanks! That's awesome to hear!

(1 edit) (+1)

any chance you can darken the text or the text box? My eyes aren't quite good enough to make it out all the time


Yeah, something like that is in the works for next update.
It's likely going to be an option somewhere in the phone but I'll give a quick update as to where it can be found in the respective update.


I cannot stress enough how immaculate your writing ability is!!  The depth in which you bring characters to life is second to NONE!!  You should seriously write for every major production house in the US!!


If you did our box office would thrive!!  Vielleicht könnten wir aus unserer starren, dogmatischen Hülle herauskommen, mein Freund!!

Heh, thanks, man! I'm not sure that my writing would translate all that well to movie scripts, though, but I'm open for 6-figure-plus offers from Hollywood and others. :P


I wish I were wealthy enough to bankroll you!!  Trust me with the complexity and nuance that you write your characters is AMAZING!!  I shudder to think what worlds you could conquer, what people you could help understand, if given the proper forum!!


I think this game is very interesting. My favorite character is suzu. She's really cute. Look forward to more stories.


Thanks a lot!


How do I delete my saves? I detest my save system, and I put <> in a save so one is glitched.


(Solution for Windows)
RenPy puts save files in two different locations, which you'd have to delete both of:
- In the Crimson High folder (CrimsonHigh/game/saves)
- In your Appdata folder (%AppData%/RenPy/CrimsonHigh-1624478627)
There's tons of tutorials on how to get to the AppData folder online should you not know how to get there. The easiest way imo is to just type in "%AppData%" in the address bar of your file browser and hit Enter.

(1 edit) (+1)

That explains why Deleting the game (to make room for something else) didn't work. Well, thanks and Upvoted. If anyone was wondering, the data was in "roaming" for me.

You're welcome!


I got hooked at the story and it's actually quite fun. There are hillarous moments which is kinda rare if someone claims they have humor included on the story. Honestly, I thought this game is some kind of generic 3D sandbox games that's why I got shocked a bit when it was a VN and I'm glad I tried it. 

I loved all the characters so far and they have some kind of unique trait that differentiates each other. I just hope Miri and Claws are part of the main cast. Never wanted to be dominated but with Claws I'm willing to be submissive lol (without pegging atleast). 

Solid game.You left a cliffhanger and now I can't wait for more! 


Hey, thanks for your comment! I'm glad that you tried CH despite initial doubts and happy to hear that you liked it! :)
Miri and Claws aren't part of the main cast, though. They are both important characters with a good amount of screen time (and they got/will get their scenes) but yeah, not part of the main cast. Hope you're gonna enjoy the game anyway!


If there are some solo routes I would really like to choose either of them as well. But I know it's just wishful thinking. Good thing they still have some scenes but it's kinda interesting to have a relationship with them as well.

Once again the game is awesome. This game is like the needle in a haystack. Thanks for the gem boss


No routes in CH, I'm afraid. I'd rather have one actually good main route instead of 20+ half-assed character routes. However, there is at least the option to opt out of the non-integral characters' sexual encounters and have them be solely platonic.

You're welcome! Thank you for playing it, compadre. :)


I actually agree with you on this one. Much better to have one good main route than multiple trash routes. No I don't wanna opt out. I atleast wanna have relationship with the 2 characters I mentioned before if possible but you mentioned they won't be part of MC's romantic relationship. 

Just to be clear are all main casts will be having a relationship with MC while the side cast will either be fuck buddies or on a platonic friendship? 


I'm honestly glad to hear that, cause not everyone wants to see reason on this topic.

Well, the way I look at these things in harem games is: there's the main harem and there are miscellaneous relationships of all kinds. The main harem is the central group of characters that may or may not have a deeply emotional and romantic connection to the MC. They may or may not also live with him after some point in the story. Suzu is the obvious example for this.
However, that doesn't mean that characters outside of the harem won't get any romance or romantic relationships with the MC. It's less likely but there's still the chance for a separate (from the harem) relationship with individual characters. Miri would be a good example for that. There's gonna be more than just a sexual relationship but (as of right now; things might change during the development) she's not gonna move in with MC and become part of the core harem.

I hope this sufficiently explains things without spoilering too much. :)


Please follow this through; This game is a real gem so far! All the characters are fun, deep, lovable, and beautifully done! (can't figure out why everyone hates on Jun, lol... it's not nice to pick on someone for being smol!)

I love that it's also frequently updated, and the obvious care taken to ensure a happy customer base, and a wonderfully fulfilling story. I WILL eventually buy into this, as it's proving more and more worth it, and have already given you a five star. I'm still considering the patreon thing... although to be fair I would break myself trying to support all the devs I've found on here worth supporting (which is why I hesitate; the decision would be simple if I had the funds). At the very least, I endorse (and will pay) what most consider to be a "Triple A" price for the finished game!



Well, dang! Thank you so much! That's awfully nice of you to say. :)

I appreciate you considering becoming a patron, but please, only if you really can. I don't want anyone to struggle because they are supporting me and CH.
A 5 star rating is already plenty and goes a long way! Beyond that I can't ask for anything else, really. Word of mouth and ratings/reviews are important for CH's visibility and do a whole lot for the game, so thank you! :)


Well, it's not that bad... it's lowest tier, but I'm on board. I think it'll be worth it. Can't wait to see this journey through! I'll be rooting for you!


Ayyy, thank you so much! I appreciate it a ton!

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