Which one? There are quite a few. I thought I had fixed all of the broken ones. (If you're not playing on the newest version, chances are that the link you're talking about is already fixed)
the one on itch, here. im able to use any other discord link, but this one returns an error, and just says that i cant accept invite, so im sure its this link
Hmm, I assume you're talking about the image of Nagisa holding up the Discord invite sign? If so, I just checked that again and it's set to the correct link and works for me when I click it. I'm not sure why it doesn't work for you. Maybe something about your browser or something?
Hey vertigo wanna let you know I had a problem downloading the new update, I kept getting this forbidden error no matter how many times I tried redownloading it so I ended up going to a different site I download from just to get the new update. Not sure if that's a link error or on my end cause this is the first time I've gotten that
Hey there! Thanks for letting me know. As far as I can tell, the download works as intended, so I'm inclined to say it's something on your end. The game is uploaded directly to itch.io, so the only other option would be some issue with their download servers at the time. I assume it works by now. Let me know if you have similar issues in the future and I'll see what I can do. :)
Hey there! Honestly, that's mainly due to availability of assets in the software I use. A lot of the assets are Japanese in some way or another, so going with that made sense at the time. (I didn't know what I know now about texture editing etc.) Besides that, a Japanese setting appeals to a lot of people and is certainly more "interesting" than boring ol' Germany. Not to mention that I can't see myself making the characters visit an Oktoberfest or something lol
Hi Vertigo, how are you? Man, I loved the game, the story is incredible, characters with good and complex stories and bro I have just one more thing to say SUZU IS LIFE THIS PRINCESS IS THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD please vertigo make a little suzu doll and give it to me.kk sorry that was a joke but anyway vertigo I hope you are well and healthy I don't want the incredible creator of this wonderful game to get sick or anything hugs ❤️
Hi there! I'm doing well, thank you for caring. :) If everything goes according to plan, Crimson High merch (possibly including Suzu dolls?) will be available sometime next year, so your wish might not be as far-fetched as you may think. :P Anyway, thanks for your kind words! I'll make sure to take care of myself and I hope you do the same for yourself. :)
Hey Vertigo, I dont know if I have said this before mate but I am so damned impressed by how quickly you release new content. Seems like its once every month and half at most. Its not a huge amount of content but it all adds up!
If I compare you to other AVN creators, you come out way ahead of the pack. Most creators struggle to release new content once every 6 months. Some only manage 1 per year!
But you, you're a machine! A Beast!
And I love the story! I always look forward to the next content release.
Heya, mate! Not sure if you did, either, but I appreciate it anyway! It's nice to hear that my effort isn't in vain. :) And yes, you're correct. CH's updates release roughly every 4-5 weeks with the occasional outlier in one direction or the other. As you said, they aren't the biggest updates, but they add up, and I put a big focus on consistent(-ly improving) quality.
Thank you, my friend! Messages like this do wonders for my motivation and faith in what I do. :)
Will there be any miko lewd scenes or just screen time and story in the hotel cause I think she was kinda forgotten for a bit like 3-4 in game days + she's just the goat🔥
Downloaded the latest version from F95 so I'm not sure if it's the same in here but I encountered some kind of, well, not-exactly-a-bug.
Auto-Forward and Text Speed labels are switched in the settings. Text Speed slider is labeled as Auto-Forward and vice versa.
Great game tho. Really love the humor and characters. I'm bummed out that pregnancy isn't a (future) content but still, really nice VN.
Five Stars. I contemplated about using the proper review submission but thought I should put the comment here instead to let the other possible readers of the VN know what they can expect.
Well, first things first. Let's start with the protagonist. He is an extremely likeable character. As a detective, he is extremely quick-witted. I have seen other novels that established a character as smart/intelligent but forgot about it somewhere in the story to give way to unamusing cliches. His everyday schedule is somewhat laughable (in a good way) though since nobody has that kind of body to handle multiple important events back to back and still have the energy to somehow have time for his girls. I'd let that one pass though since it kinda works and it's fiction anyways.
Second, other protagonists and side characters. They are very likeable in their own way. Suzu, for example, is first established as a somewhat tsundere type but oh. GOD DAYUM. I did not expect that character development. Definitely a favorite. What bothers me somewhat is Miko being the first introduced of the girls from the class (Touka not included) but kinda forgot about her in the current version. Happy to see her get more screentime in the Hotel arc tho and hoping to see more of her in the future. I would've expected her to be the main/first romanced character (or Kana at the very least) but Suzu being it is still a really nice story development.
Third, something that bugs me are the hamsters. I'm a perfectionist so I wanted to collect them all but the first half of the little shits was kinda hard to click on Android. Glad to see the hamsters' hitbox got a lot bigger in the later part of the story.
Fourth, as I said in the previous point, I'm a perfectionist. And that's where this point comes in. Some content are hidden in a branching path. Hamsters, unlockable scenes and the like. It's not exactly a gamebreaking issue but it would be nice if this kind of branching doesn't spread to the story (i.e. choosing someone over someone). This is more of a personal issue/request so you don't have to take this point seriously.
That's about it, I think? TLDR: Good story, good characters, good protagonist. Would love to have more Yuu and Takashi screentime (No, not lewd scenes, goodness). They are just one of the most likeable characters aside from the main ones.
Hey there! Usually the version on F95 is the same as the one on here (I'm the one uploading CH there during the public release of each version) so I'm a bit confused as to why your labels are switched in the settings. I haven't touched the relevant code in months and in my version of the game, the sliders are labeled correctly. Should you play the next version and the issue persists, let me know and I'll see what I can do, okay?
Aside from that, thanks for your lovely review of CH! I appreciate that a lot, and I'm confident it'll help convince undecided players to give the game a try when they read it. :)
Hello! I write through a translator to make it easier to read, I want to ask for a translation of the entire text in the game so that Russian players can read normally, and I just treat them, otherwise I don't know English super well and I want to go through the new version :) and I also want to say that the game is just super! Russian Russian version was passed, and now I want to go through the new version with the Russian language
Sorry, mate, no official Russian version before the game is complete. Any Russian versions out there are fan-made and thus out of my control. I'd assume the newest update will get translated eventually, though?
This game really deserves a lot more attention - I found it through a cameo in World Crossing Academy and was expecting the usual mid porn VN story - main plot goes nowhere, while everyone falls in love with MC, because he showed them his dick once. Meanwhile I got an immersive plot with well thought out worldbuilding and likeable, human (heh) characters. I would honesty play it even without the sexual content (although some of them actually work wonders for emotional attachment - recent Suzu stuff was one of a few examples of how sex scenes can enrich a story and not just provide eye candy). In short I like the game, can't wait to see more. My ynly complaint would be some hamsters being on branching paths, I don't enjoy checking every choice for a clickable.
Alright I've played this game enough times to figure out somewhat what everyone is myth wise but the only two that I can't seem to figure out are Nagisa and Nene, I have a small idea what kind of myth they are but I'm not 100% sure (PS love this game from the first time I played it came for the porn stayed for the plot and story keep up the amazing work)
In the latest public version they flat out tell you what Nene is, and give significant hints towards Nagisa.
(Slight spoiler) I'm pretty certain Nagisa is an animal spirit, with her hair making me think Skunk, or with what she did in her her early memories something like a Racoon.
I had some problems with reading in v0.7-0.8 - not sure exactly, but that was cause of font colour and background, not font itself. Never experienced it in later versions even with default settings.
It seems like I missed updating one of the old links. It's fixed now and shall release with the public version in a few hours. Thanks for letting me know.
Ok, real quick and sorry in advance, but screw you for the sudden cliffhanger. Once again I'm sorry but that needed to be said as I've been looking forward to that reveal. (good thing I just need to wait a few days)
Anyways, 10/10 game. I love everything about it so far, lots of wholesome moments, quite a few sad ones too, lots of mystery and drama. Comedy's pretty great too. But I especially like how you've handled all the different mythological stuff too as well as the characters in general. There isn't a single character in this game that I don't find interesting in some way. Each of them are incredibly unique each with their own well-written pasts/stories and almost all of them seem to mesh fluidly into the main story as well either teaching you something about the world in general or just progressing the actual main story. Though that's technically always progressing. There's already a great deal of content in the game too and it's only just starting day 12 out of who knows how many. And 12 days doesn't even sound like a lot but these 12 days are packed full of content. Great game, love it so far and it's been immediately added to my list of favorites. Looking forward to more.
а будут ли другие языки RU UKR? не сейчас но может хотя бы в обозримом будущем? Will there be other languages of RU UKR? Not now, but maybe at least in the foreseeable future?
вряд ли будут переводить на русский, многие шутки/двусмысленности/игры слов (которых в игре дофига) непереводимы с английского, а многие из них смысловые и сюжетные
ну как то ж переводят ... и эту игру тоже переводили версия 0,13 есть на русском поэтому я и спрашиваю "шо с переводом?"))) на английском мне в принцыпе не понятно я владею только техническим я понимаю о чем написано на BSOD и от куда ошибка а смысловые обороты речи и какуюто игру слов извините для этого надо жить там где так говорят и самому общатсяруский даже корявый в любом случае будут понятнее чем оригинал.
я просто поиграл прошел доступный контент а дальше всё... нет... учи английский... я на это не готов даже ради игры))
Okay, I've played games with hidden objects that unlock images before but these hamsters are VERY well hidden. Thank god for that hint system or I wouldn't even know there's one on the screen.
Hello dear developers, I am interested in one question: when will other languages such as Russian, Ukrainian, German, etc. be available? and I wanted to thank you for the good content, I’m looking forward to further updates, I didn’t think that just a random game could be so addictive
The game will most likely only get translated once it's complete, seeing as that seems to be the most sensible approach to me. I might change my mind on this and hire a professional translator before that, but as it currently stands, there are no plans for it.
hi, buddy, I really liked the game, but I already played 0.11.1 from translation Spaun.it would be fun to play further, but all this time I studied not English, but German, but I understand some words and even in this text a translator is used in some places.I like your desire, continue in the same spirit and you will definitely become the most famous game business, Demonenok wrote with love
I wanna say this is amazing, I just started Chapter 4. There is only one other game that I have found that has sucked me in like this one has. The pacing is so amazing! I find myself in different emotions like I am watching a really good movie asking myself why is the mc doing this or why not do this!? After I get my funds right I'm def going to be subbing on patreon.
As far as my question. I'm trying not to look at the Development logs incase of spoilers and rather ask here. I've played through the first 3 chapters since I found your game and have yet to hit the end until next update. I see there has been quite a few updates so I would like to ask with the updates how many/often does it take to get at least another full day? I'd hate to continue and get stopped in the middle of a day and have to wait for another update lol.
Sorry for the long message, again love the game and can't wait to see how it ends! Only "complaint" I have is the story is so good I forget to look for the collectables (thanks for adding the feature in the phone for the notification setting for them!)
First of all, thank you so much for your kind words! I'd, of course, appreciate any kind of support you can give, too. Thanks for even considering it. :)
As for the length of days, I can't give an exact estimate. The current content goes up to Day 12, Tuesday, in the late afternoon. The current day should finish during v0.39. Generally, days range from 3-6 updates in length, with me trying to decrease the number of updates after things have gotten a bit out of hand in that regard. I hope this answers your question sufficiently. :)
No worries, mate! This kind of positive feedback does wonders for my motivation, so I don't mind reading through even the longest of messages. And sorry for distracting you from collecting rodents. :P
hey i cant check the message from the mystery person in the morning at the hotel room i dont know what to do or if you know how to fix or if its something on my end even just thought it needed mentioned(edit: dont remember when this is from found it when i went to comment
There is no Spanish version, I'm afraid. I don't speak Spanish myself and I won't commission any official translations before the game is complete. Sorry, mate.
Hi good game i wondering when the new update comes out and its a good story tho but im done wthe the full story that is out and my favorite character is miko to be honest Ill stay tuned for next update maybe reply so i know more
Next update will be out for public within the month (can't give an exact date yet because I don't have one yet). It'll be out two weeks earlier for high tier patrons, too.
Yes, I did make Miko, as well as all the other characters. Glad you like her :)
i will say its a shame that you dont want to add pregnancy to the game. Would love to see Suzu become a mommy. i think it would be very emotional and sweet. That said I FREAKIN LOVE THIS STORY! Thank you so much for sharing it.
Yeah, sorry about that. Pregnancy is just not up my alley — both as a kink and a concept/state lol That being said, I truly appreciate your comment. Thank you for your kind words.
I know it might be a lot of work and all to implement but I suggest adding in some sort of calendar in a corner with at least stating the day and week number. It's purely just a suggestion
There's something like that already in the game. Not exactly with a week number but at least the day number is being displayed on the phone. And since the math of dividing by 7 isn't that hard, I don't really see much of a reason to add a week number - especially since a week number doesn't have any inherent value in CH.
Generally at first I wasn't so sure about the models utilized for some of the LI's (Kana, Mana, Touka), but they eventually grew on me and it was no longer distracting, not suggesting there is anything wrong, just had to give it a bit, glad I did though. All of the models in their own way feel unique, at least for the primary LI's and easy to recognize as well, allowing to put names to the faces easier.
I feel like the pacing overall was very solid, it didn't feel rushed or too slow, it had me suspensed at times (how dare you play with my heart smh) and emotional at others, allowing a pretty captivating story. Glad you didn't go with the rotue of constant intercourse, would of definitely ruined the pacing (IMO) and less deserving overall, especially with the story you were trying to portray. Another thing to add, Miko, Mira and Suzu are must protecc, glad you didn't make Suzu a one trick pony by being a constant tsundere, would of easily made her worse if so IMO
By far my favorites have to be Mira though, she is just a bundle of joy that MUST be protected by all costs, I swear to all things unholy in this Crimson-verse, if she doesn't stay a happy goofball by the end of this, we're going to have problems BUSTER. All jokes aside, the characters were great, but my only real criticism is the feeling of time progressing. Let me elaborate though. It, for me at least, was hard to keep track of the days, but this could be just a consequence of how I played it in 2 irl Days.
Although mentioning Mornin, Noon, Evening & such definitely helped, but I'd probably would of liked something that helped us keep track of time, allowing me to get a general sense of what is when. Obviously I saw your other posts in the comments and understand that you are way too preoccupied with actually actively developing the main story, so this is more for the future when development wraps up, at least in the case of the story part and not an immediate thing that should be thought of, just pointing out a personal thought about this.
Back to characters though, I felt like every character was unique in some way and didn't feel like a drag whatsoever to actually read our interactions with them. Miko, Mira, Suzu, Mana and Nagisa were a joy. Yes, the very confusing and totally not at all a plant to help guide us through our harem routes, is a joy. Miko was great and always happy to see interactions with her, she was way too adorable for her own good. Suzu had me rolling my eyes at first when we first came to help her, but thankfully that changed quickly, I genuinely don't think I would of liked Suzu quite as much if she hadn't changed her behavior, especially since I'm a very anti tsundere character tripe person (genuinely loathe it, it's way too popular and just not a fun read IMO) so to see her change was nice. Mana was adorable too and I hope in the future we get more fun interactions with her and her sister, kind of felt in the later Chapters that she barely made any appearances, would of wanted to see an aftermath from a couple days later for the siblings, seeing how they're holding up together after being apart for so long. Nagisa is confusing but great, I still can't place my finger on what she is, although that was a continued problem through the game (I had presumed Yui was some sort of cat before it was revealed she was a sheeple, I tried though, what cat doesn't just eat, sleep and eat again?), so unless I'm just quite dense and she's an actual Vampire and I somehow missed a line somewhere, I hope we at least get a somewhat explanation of her behavior in the future, although her "father" sure is a good explanation in this factor. Finally Mira, God where do I begin with this loaf of joy. Mira is best character hands down, no competition. I had my distrust towards her at first, but it genuinely just feels like she's a person that couldn't even hurt a fly even if she wanted to, of which, I hope continues to be a trend with her, must protecc that innocence (I will sue if otherwise). Hope to get more Mira interactions soon, already missing that goofball and maybe next update we'll see more of her, fingers crossed.
Overall though, I feel like CH is probably one of the best VNs I've read overall, with the pacing of the story, the characters and the sometimes comedic nature of the game helps raise it's stacture as probably one of the best around, without sacrificing it's livelier moments with the characters.
Wow, that's quite the feedback. Thanks for your in-depth comment and the kind words, mate! And sorry for the late reply, life has kept me busy lately.
One part in particular I want to address is the aftermath of what happened with Mana and Hina. I know it's been a while since the last update with either of them, but keep in mind that that's mostly due to the time scale of the game. In-game, only two days have passed since we first met Hina and reunited her with Mana. There will absolutely be more content with both of them, but for the story's sake, I wanted to give them some time with just each other (and Reina), to properly acclimate to their new life. I felt like it would've been strange for Hina and especially Mana to just go back to normal day-to-day business, despite everything they went through. Mana, for example, hasn't been back to school yet, either.
Daaaamn! Man you did it again. Took me just about 20min to play the update, but it was worth every single one. And now the agonising waiting starts all over... You are soooo mean, Vertigo!
Ok, not gonna lie, that comment about birds actually got me thinking. Would they (as animals) prefer algebra since it has more practical applications? Would musing on history be a good way to pass the time while flying? Or is spending this much time on Nagisa's quotes bad for my mental health?
Hard to say what exactly went wrong there, but someone on the Discord had a similar error earlier. The solution for him was to unpack the game into a fresh location/folder and then launch it from there (i.e. not use the update-only patch). Give that a try and see if it works. Alternatively, you could check the autosaves. They should still work, and there should be one from the end of last update in there.
If neither of these things work, let me know and we'll see what we can do. I'll check back in here in a bit, to see if you've replied. Or, you could join the Discord and see if you catch me there. Gonna be on there for a bit longer before I head off for the day. (And even if I'm not on, there might be others there who can help you when you post in the bug-reports channel)
I grabbed the full download to start with. The auto saves were overwritten by me trying to run the game from my save. I'll tried the update as I had version 35 and it worked. There has to be something in the scripts.rpy that was in 36 that's not in v35. Thanks for the help!
Ah finally got around to going back through after I lost my save, was rather fun seeing all the setup done in chapter 1 but I notice that for the most part chapters 2+ don't have as many foreshadowing moments, a lot more cause and effect things that feel weird in the moment but very quickly get addressed (guess its the nature that chapter 1 was intentionally hiding Myths so it doesnt feel weird), theres obviously still some but not nearly as many when you know the direction things go. One of the big ones that wasn't addressed again is that Satan/antichrist is apparently real and that Daiki isn't the one who should tell us about him, but given what the MC is imagine theres going to be a call back to that sooner rather than later (and if not now you can make it one :D)
As I've said before love the game can't wait for more.
The frequency of foreshadowing naturally decreases the further the game develops, seeing as Ren (and thus the player) uncovers more and more secrets. There will always be at least a few things, but never as much as in the first chapter. Other things (like the one with Daishi you correctly pointed out) take a long time to get addressed, too, since they're either low-priority, extremely important, or dependent on a slow build-up. The Daishi one, for example, is one of those that need the slow build-up. It's already been "addressed" a few times since when it was first mentioned, albeit not in a direct way. You'll see what I mean when everything gets unveiled eventually. :P
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discord link is brokie
Which one? There are quite a few. I thought I had fixed all of the broken ones.
(If you're not playing on the newest version, chances are that the link you're talking about is already fixed)
the one on itch, here. im able to use any other discord link, but this one returns an error, and just says that i cant accept invite, so im sure its this link
Hmm, I assume you're talking about the image of Nagisa holding up the Discord invite sign? If so, I just checked that again and it's set to the correct link and works for me when I click it. I'm not sure why it doesn't work for you. Maybe something about your browser or something?
k, ill figure it out
Hey vertigo wanna let you know I had a problem downloading the new update, I kept getting this forbidden error no matter how many times I tried redownloading it so I ended up going to a different site I download from just to get the new update. Not sure if that's a link error or on my end cause this is the first time I've gotten that
Hey there! Thanks for letting me know.
As far as I can tell, the download works as intended, so I'm inclined to say it's something on your end. The game is uploaded directly to itch.io, so the only other option would be some issue with their download servers at the time. I assume it works by now.
Let me know if you have similar issues in the future and I'll see what I can do. :)
Hey Vertigo I've got a question: since you are german, why the japanese setting? Nothing wrong with that - I was just wondering...
Btw, nice update ;-)
Hey there!
Honestly, that's mainly due to availability of assets in the software I use. A lot of the assets are Japanese in some way or another, so going with that made sense at the time. (I didn't know what I know now about texture editing etc.)
Besides that, a Japanese setting appeals to a lot of people and is certainly more "interesting" than boring ol' Germany. Not to mention that I can't see myself making the characters visit an Oktoberfest or something lol
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed the update!
Crash Report: Game keeps crashing in the school right after hanging out with Jun
Can you elaborate a bit further? Which scene with Jun is it and what does the error message say?
new version, let's goooooo
Hi Vertigo, how are you? Man, I loved the game, the story is incredible, characters with good and complex stories and bro I have just one more thing to say SUZU IS LIFE THIS PRINCESS IS THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD please vertigo make a little suzu doll and give it to me.kk sorry that was a joke but anyway vertigo I hope you are well and healthy I don't want the incredible creator of this wonderful game to get sick or anything hugs ❤️
Hi there! I'm doing well, thank you for caring. :)
If everything goes according to plan, Crimson High merch (possibly including Suzu dolls?) will be available sometime next year, so your wish might not be as far-fetched as you may think. :P
Anyway, thanks for your kind words! I'll make sure to take care of myself and I hope you do the same for yourself. :)
Hey Vertigo, I dont know if I have said this before mate but I am so damned impressed by how quickly you release new content. Seems like its once every month and half at most. Its not a huge amount of content but it all adds up!
If I compare you to other AVN creators, you come out way ahead of the pack. Most creators struggle to release new content once every 6 months. Some only manage 1 per year!
But you, you're a machine! A Beast!
And I love the story! I always look forward to the next content release.
Heya, mate!
Not sure if you did, either, but I appreciate it anyway! It's nice to hear that my effort isn't in vain. :)
And yes, you're correct. CH's updates release roughly every 4-5 weeks with the occasional outlier in one direction or the other. As you said, they aren't the biggest updates, but they add up, and I put a big focus on consistent(-ly improving) quality.
Thank you, my friend! Messages like this do wonders for my motivation and faith in what I do. :)
I hope you have a wonderful time! Cheers!
Just returning to say great game and good luck in development. Take care of yourself(selves) VertigoAVN.
Thank you and will do!
Will there be any miko lewd scenes or just screen time and story in the hotel cause I think she was kinda forgotten for a bit like 3-4 in game days + she's just the goat🔥
There will be Miko stuff at some point, yes. Let's call it soon™ :P
EDIT: Added a review. SPOILER ALERT
Downloaded the latest version from F95 so I'm not sure if it's the same in here but I encountered some kind of, well, not-exactly-a-bug.
Auto-Forward and Text Speed labels are switched in the settings. Text Speed slider is labeled as Auto-Forward and vice versa.
Great game tho. Really love the humor and characters. I'm bummed out that pregnancy isn't a (future) content but still, really nice VN.
Five Stars. I contemplated about using the proper review submission but thought I should put the comment here instead to let the other possible readers of the VN know what they can expect.
Well, first things first. Let's start with the protagonist. He is an extremely likeable character. As a detective, he is extremely quick-witted. I have seen other novels that established a character as smart/intelligent but forgot about it somewhere in the story to give way to unamusing cliches. His everyday schedule is somewhat laughable (in a good way) though since nobody has that kind of body to handle multiple important events back to back and still have the energy to somehow have time for his girls. I'd let that one pass though since it kinda works and it's fiction anyways.
Second, other protagonists and side characters. They are very likeable in their own way. Suzu, for example, is first established as a somewhat tsundere type but oh. GOD DAYUM. I did not expect that character development. Definitely a favorite. What bothers me somewhat is Miko being the first introduced of the girls from the class (Touka not included) but kinda forgot about her in the current version. Happy to see her get more screentime in the Hotel arc tho and hoping to see more of her in the future. I would've expected her to be the main/first romanced character (or Kana at the very least) but Suzu being it is still a really nice story development.
Third, something that bugs me are the hamsters. I'm a perfectionist so I wanted to collect them all but the first half of the little shits was kinda hard to click on Android. Glad to see the hamsters' hitbox got a lot bigger in the later part of the story.
Fourth, as I said in the previous point, I'm a perfectionist. And that's where this point comes in. Some content are hidden in a branching path. Hamsters, unlockable scenes and the like. It's not exactly a gamebreaking issue but it would be nice if this kind of branching doesn't spread to the story (i.e. choosing someone over someone). This is more of a personal issue/request so you don't have to take this point seriously.
That's about it, I think? TLDR: Good story, good characters, good protagonist. Would love to have more Yuu and Takashi screentime (No, not lewd scenes, goodness). They are just one of the most likeable characters aside from the main ones.
Hey there!
Usually the version on F95 is the same as the one on here (I'm the one uploading CH there during the public release of each version) so I'm a bit confused as to why your labels are switched in the settings. I haven't touched the relevant code in months and in my version of the game, the sliders are labeled correctly. Should you play the next version and the issue persists, let me know and I'll see what I can do, okay?
Aside from that, thanks for your lovely review of CH! I appreciate that a lot, and I'm confident it'll help convince undecided players to give the game a try when they read it. :)
Hello! I write through a translator to make it easier to read, I want to ask for a translation of the entire text in the game so that Russian players can read normally, and I just treat them, otherwise I don't know English super well and I want to go through the new version :) and I also want to say that the game is just super! Russian Russian version was passed, and now I want to go through the new version with the Russian language
Sorry, mate, no official Russian version before the game is complete. Any Russian versions out there are fan-made and thus out of my control. I'd assume the newest update will get translated eventually, though?
Your discord invite is not working.
But from what I have seen of this fine game it is a game I'll enjoy, so I'll give it a spin.
If you're referring to the in-game link, it's already fixed for the next release :)
Thanks for letting me know, though!
Edit: Fixed the link on here, too. I assume that's the one you were referring to lol
Yes, sorry for not getting back to you sooner, been taking care of my folks and thank you for fixing the link.
May I ask what the menu music is?
"CHasing Daylight" by Scott Buckley :)
This game really deserves a lot more attention - I found it through a cameo in World Crossing Academy and was expecting the usual mid porn VN story - main plot goes nowhere, while everyone falls in love with MC, because he showed them his dick once. Meanwhile I got an immersive plot with well thought out worldbuilding and likeable, human (heh) characters. I would honesty play it even without the sexual content (although some of them actually work wonders for emotional attachment - recent Suzu stuff was one of a few examples of how sex scenes can enrich a story and not just provide eye candy). In short I like the game, can't wait to see more. My ynly complaint would be some hamsters being on branching paths, I don't enjoy checking every choice for a clickable.
This game could EASILY be turned into a commercially successful Anime!! I wish I was rich enough to produce it!!
I really want to see them invent and utilize vampire fang condoms
The storyline is very good I like it
Alright I've played this game enough times to figure out somewhat what everyone is myth wise but the only two that I can't seem to figure out are Nagisa and Nene, I have a small idea what kind of myth they are but I'm not 100% sure (PS love this game from the first time I played it came for the porn stayed for the plot and story keep up the amazing work)
In the latest public version they flat out tell you what Nene is, and give significant hints towards Nagisa.
(Slight spoiler) I'm pretty certain Nagisa is an animal spirit, with her hair making me think Skunk, or with what she did in her her early memories something like a Racoon.
i think she is a cat, a stray maybe
My guess is she's a raccoon. But still she is best girl no matter what she is.
Just started this game, and I gotta say for an ero-game the lore and story had me hooked on rather than the segs scenes.
Like I'm curious if the MC is really human, you know after that pan to the back of his head incident (lol).
Love to hear (well, read) it!
This was the first time I downloaded the update instead of downloading the entire game and replacing the folder. It's definitely a time saver.
Why did you pick a font almost impossible to read? Nevermind, found way to fix under Accessibility menu.
The font is perfectly legible and most definitely not "almost impossible to read".
I had some problems with reading in v0.7-0.8 - not sure exactly, but that was cause of font colour and background, not font itself. Never experienced it in later versions even with default settings.
The Discord link no longer works
pls update the discord link next update
It seems like I missed updating one of the old links. It's fixed now and shall release with the public version in a few hours.
Thanks for letting me know.
Ok, real quick and sorry in advance, but screw you for the sudden cliffhanger. Once again I'm sorry but that needed to be said as I've been looking forward to that reveal. (good thing I just need to wait a few days)
Anyways, 10/10 game. I love everything about it so far, lots of wholesome moments, quite a few sad ones too, lots of mystery and drama. Comedy's pretty great too. But I especially like how you've handled all the different mythological stuff too as well as the characters in general. There isn't a single character in this game that I don't find interesting in some way. Each of them are incredibly unique each with their own well-written pasts/stories and almost all of them seem to mesh fluidly into the main story as well either teaching you something about the world in general or just progressing the actual main story. Though that's technically always progressing. There's already a great deal of content in the game too and it's only just starting day 12 out of who knows how many. And 12 days doesn't even sound like a lot but these 12 days are packed full of content. Great game, love it so far and it's been immediately added to my list of favorites. Looking forward to more.
Heh. Not sorry about the cliffhanger but sorry that you had to suffer, I guess. :P
Thank you for your kind words, mate! Very nice to read. :)
Come on! The cliffhangers in this vn are a separate type of art.Really)
Nagisa is such a confusing creature and I love her for it.
а будут ли другие языки RU UKR? не сейчас но может хотя бы в обозримом будущем?
Will there be other languages of RU UKR? Not now, but maybe at least in the foreseeable future?
buddy, I asked the same question 2-3 days ago, check
но ведь тебе не ответили)
может если данный вопрос будет всплывать в коментах регулярно то автор игры заметит, что есть спрос на перевод ... и кто знает ... кто знает)))
вряд ли будут переводить на русский, многие шутки/двусмысленности/игры слов (которых в игре дофига) непереводимы с английского, а многие из них смысловые и сюжетные
ну как то ж переводят ... и эту игру тоже переводили версия 0,13 есть на русском поэтому я и спрашиваю "шо с переводом?"))) на английском мне в принцыпе не понятно я владею только техническим я понимаю о чем написано на BSOD и от куда ошибка а смысловые обороты речи и какуюто игру слов извините для этого надо жить там где так говорят и самому общатсяруский даже корявый в любом случае будут понятнее чем оригинал.
я просто поиграл прошел доступный контент а дальше всё... нет... учи английский... я на это не готов даже ради игры))
At some point, yeah. At the very latest, once the game is finished. Most likely not before that point, though.
ну тогда подождем окончания проэкта.. что бы пройти всю игру ))) игра очень понравилась но языковой барьер... мешает погружению..
Okay, I've played games with hidden objects that unlock images before but these hamsters are VERY well hidden. Thank god for that hint system or I wouldn't even know there's one on the screen.
i usually play every version twice. Second time just for hamsters. Cause i'm so immersed in the story that i don't notice even hints.
Hello dear developers, I am interested in one question: when will other languages such as Russian, Ukrainian, German, etc. be available? and I wanted to thank you for the good content, I’m looking forward to further updates, I didn’t think that just a random game could be so addictive
Hey there, mate. Thanks for your kind words!
The game will most likely only get translated once it's complete, seeing as that seems to be the most sensible approach to me. I might change my mind on this and hire a professional translator before that, but as it currently stands, there are no plans for it.
hi, buddy, I really liked the game, but I already played 0.11.1 from translation Spaun.it would be fun to play further, but all this time I studied not English, but German, but I understand some words and even in this text a translator is used in some places.I like your desire, continue in the same spirit and you will definitely become the most famous game business, Demonenok wrote with love
First a statement then a question.
I wanna say this is amazing, I just started Chapter 4. There is only one other game that I have found that has sucked me in like this one has. The pacing is so amazing! I find myself in different emotions like I am watching a really good movie asking myself why is the mc doing this or why not do this!? After I get my funds right I'm def going to be subbing on patreon.
As far as my question. I'm trying not to look at the Development logs incase of spoilers and rather ask here. I've played through the first 3 chapters since I found your game and have yet to hit the end until next update. I see there has been quite a few updates so I would like to ask with the updates how many/often does it take to get at least another full day? I'd hate to continue and get stopped in the middle of a day and have to wait for another update lol.
Sorry for the long message, again love the game and can't wait to see how it ends! Only "complaint" I have is the story is so good I forget to look for the collectables (thanks for adding the feature in the phone for the notification setting for them!)
Hi there! Sorry for the late reply.
First of all, thank you so much for your kind words! I'd, of course, appreciate any kind of support you can give, too. Thanks for even considering it. :)
As for the length of days, I can't give an exact estimate. The current content goes up to Day 12, Tuesday, in the late afternoon. The current day should finish during v0.39. Generally, days range from 3-6 updates in length, with me trying to decrease the number of updates after things have gotten a bit out of hand in that regard. I hope this answers your question sufficiently. :)
No worries, mate! This kind of positive feedback does wonders for my motivation, so I don't mind reading through even the longest of messages. And sorry for distracting you from collecting rodents. :P
Im going to be sad when this is finished
hey i cant check the message from the mystery person in the morning at the hotel room i dont know what to do or if you know how to fix or if its something on my end even just thought it needed mentioned(edit: dont remember when this is from found it when i went to comment
Hey there. The mystery person is Tsubaki and you can only access her message if you got her number earlier in the story.
Como puedo bajar la ultima version en eapañol? Me interesa mucho el juego!!!!
There is no Spanish version, I'm afraid. I don't speak Spanish myself and I won't commission any official translations before the game is complete. Sorry, mate.
I'll wait until the game is complete. I really liked your game, I know intermediate English, so I would like a translation in the future, I'll wait.
Hi good game i wondering when the new update comes out and its a good story tho but im done wthe the full story that is out and my favorite character is miko to be honest Ill stay tuned for next update maybe reply so i know more
About when is comes and one more question
Did you make miko? i think shes cute in the game!
Hey, thanks a lot.
Next update will be out for public within the month (can't give an exact date yet because I don't have one yet). It'll be out two weeks earlier for high tier patrons, too.
Yes, I did make Miko, as well as all the other characters. Glad you like her :)
Why I can't avoid the meeting with Miko?? I don't like her. I prefer Suzu
You're so right, I should've made meeting her optional. It's not like she's pivotal to the story or anything.
Thanks for your answer, but perhaps you can do this for a new update no?
i will say its a shame that you dont want to add pregnancy to the game. Would love to see Suzu become a mommy. i think it would be very emotional and sweet. That said I FREAKIN LOVE THIS STORY! Thank you so much for sharing it.
Yeah, sorry about that. Pregnancy is just not up my alley — both as a kink and a concept/state lol
That being said, I truly appreciate your comment. Thank you for your kind words.
I know it might be a lot of work and all to implement but I suggest adding in some sort of calendar in a corner with at least stating the day and week number. It's purely just a suggestion
There's something like that already in the game. Not exactly with a week number but at least the day number is being displayed on the phone. And since the math of dividing by 7 isn't that hard, I don't really see much of a reason to add a week number - especially since a week number doesn't have any inherent value in CH.
Generally at first I wasn't so sure about the models utilized for some of the LI's (Kana, Mana, Touka), but they eventually grew on me and it was no longer distracting, not suggesting there is anything wrong, just had to give it a bit, glad I did though. All of the models in their own way feel unique, at least for the primary LI's and easy to recognize as well, allowing to put names to the faces easier.
I feel like the pacing overall was very solid, it didn't feel rushed or too slow, it had me suspensed at times (how dare you play with my heart smh) and emotional at others, allowing a pretty captivating story. Glad you didn't go with the rotue of constant intercourse, would of definitely ruined the pacing (IMO) and less deserving overall, especially with the story you were trying to portray.
Another thing to add, Miko, Mira and Suzu are must protecc, glad you didn't make Suzu a one trick pony by being a constant tsundere, would of easily made her worse if so IMO
By far my favorites have to be Mira though, she is just a bundle of joy that MUST be protected by all costs, I swear to all things unholy in this Crimson-verse, if she doesn't stay a happy goofball by the end of this, we're going to have problems BUSTER. All jokes aside, the characters were great, but my only real criticism is the feeling of time progressing. Let me elaborate though. It, for me at least, was hard to keep track of the days, but this could be just a consequence of how I played it in 2 irl Days.
Although mentioning Mornin, Noon, Evening & such definitely helped, but I'd probably would of liked something that helped us keep track of time, allowing me to get a general sense of what is when. Obviously I saw your other posts in the comments and understand that you are way too preoccupied with actually actively developing the main story, so this is more for the future when development wraps up, at least in the case of the story part and not an immediate thing that should be thought of, just pointing out a personal thought about this.
Back to characters though, I felt like every character was unique in some way and didn't feel like a drag whatsoever to actually read our interactions with them. Miko, Mira, Suzu, Mana and Nagisa were a joy. Yes, the very confusing and totally not at all a plant to help guide us through our harem routes, is a joy. Miko was great and always happy to see interactions with her, she was way too adorable for her own good. Suzu had me rolling my eyes at first when we first came to help her, but thankfully that changed quickly, I genuinely don't think I would of liked Suzu quite as much if she hadn't changed her behavior, especially since I'm a very anti tsundere character tripe person (genuinely loathe it, it's way too popular and just not a fun read IMO) so to see her change was nice. Mana was adorable too and I hope in the future we get more fun interactions with her and her sister, kind of felt in the later Chapters that she barely made any appearances, would of wanted to see an aftermath from a couple days later for the siblings, seeing how they're holding up together after being apart for so long. Nagisa is confusing but great, I still can't place my finger on what she is, although that was a continued problem through the game (I had presumed Yui was some sort of cat before it was revealed she was a sheeple, I tried though, what cat doesn't just eat, sleep and eat again?), so unless I'm just quite dense and she's an actual Vampire and I somehow missed a line somewhere, I hope we at least get a somewhat explanation of her behavior in the future, although her "father" sure is a good explanation in this factor. Finally Mira, God where do I begin with this loaf of joy. Mira is best character hands down, no competition. I had my distrust towards her at first, but it genuinely just feels like she's a person that couldn't even hurt a fly even if she wanted to, of which, I hope continues to be a trend with her, must protecc that innocence (I will sue if otherwise). Hope to get more Mira interactions soon, already missing that goofball and maybe next update we'll see more of her, fingers crossed.
Overall though, I feel like CH is probably one of the best VNs I've read overall, with the pacing of the story, the characters and the sometimes comedic nature of the game helps raise it's stacture as probably one of the best around, without sacrificing it's livelier moments with the characters.
Wow, that's quite the feedback. Thanks for your in-depth comment and the kind words, mate! And sorry for the late reply, life has kept me busy lately.
One part in particular I want to address is the aftermath of what happened with Mana and Hina. I know it's been a while since the last update with either of them, but keep in mind that that's mostly due to the time scale of the game. In-game, only two days have passed since we first met Hina and reunited her with Mana. There will absolutely be more content with both of them, but for the story's sake, I wanted to give them some time with just each other (and Reina), to properly acclimate to their new life. I felt like it would've been strange for Hina and especially Mana to just go back to normal day-to-day business, despite everything they went through. Mana, for example, hasn't been back to school yet, either.
I appreciate hearing about your thoughts. :)
Daaaamn! Man you did it again. Took me just about 20min to play the update, but it was worth every single one. And now the agonising waiting starts all over... You are soooo mean, Vertigo!
Keep it that way 😉
Heh, sorry about that, mate. Next one's almost ready, though, so you won't have to wait that much longer :P
Glad you enjoyed last update, though! :)
Ok, not gonna lie, that comment about birds actually got me thinking. Would they (as animals) prefer algebra since it has more practical applications? Would musing on history be a good way to pass the time while flying? Or is spending this much time on Nagisa's quotes bad for my mental health?
Hey Vertigo,
Getting an error loading my game from 35.1.
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "renpy/common/00action_file.rpy", line 463, in __call__
Exception: Couldn't find a place to stop rolling back. Perhaps the script changed in an incompatible way?
Then it loops through some errors in scripts.rpy line 516
Please advise. Thanks!
Hey there!
Hard to say what exactly went wrong there, but someone on the Discord had a similar error earlier. The solution for him was to unpack the game into a fresh location/folder and then launch it from there (i.e. not use the update-only patch). Give that a try and see if it works.
Alternatively, you could check the autosaves. They should still work, and there should be one from the end of last update in there.
If neither of these things work, let me know and we'll see what we can do. I'll check back in here in a bit, to see if you've replied. Or, you could join the Discord and see if you catch me there. Gonna be on there for a bit longer before I head off for the day.
(And even if I'm not on, there might be others there who can help you when you post in the bug-reports channel)
I grabbed the full download to start with. The auto saves were overwritten by me trying to run the game from my save. I'll tried the update as I had version 35 and it worked. There has to be something in the scripts.rpy that was in 36 that's not in v35. Thanks for the help!
Ah finally got around to going back through after I lost my save, was rather fun seeing all the setup done in chapter 1 but I notice that for the most part chapters 2+ don't have as many foreshadowing moments, a lot more cause and effect things that feel weird in the moment but very quickly get addressed (guess its the nature that chapter 1 was intentionally hiding Myths so it doesnt feel weird), theres obviously still some but not nearly as many when you know the direction things go. One of the big ones that wasn't addressed again is that Satan/antichrist is apparently real and that Daiki isn't the one who should tell us about him, but given what the MC is imagine theres going to be a call back to that sooner rather than later (and if not now you can make it one :D)
As I've said before love the game can't wait for more.
The frequency of foreshadowing naturally decreases the further the game develops, seeing as Ren (and thus the player) uncovers more and more secrets. There will always be at least a few things, but never as much as in the first chapter.
Other things (like the one with Daishi you correctly pointed out) take a long time to get addressed, too, since they're either low-priority, extremely important, or dependent on a slow build-up.
The Daishi one, for example, is one of those that need the slow build-up. It's already been "addressed" a few times since when it was first mentioned, albeit not in a direct way. You'll see what I mean when everything gets unveiled eventually. :P
Thanks for your kind words, mate :)
I'm so disappointed there is no option to run orianna over with a communion wafer truck.