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Vertigo, you are bloody awesome genius!

While there are characters I personally dislike (no, not Jun, btw), I totally immersed in the story line.  Damn it, instead of making one more VN to click-and-relax without using brain and perception, the certain extremely cruel personage did made it more interesting and readable than most of modern WNs. The pun is accidental just ignore it).

The small things like the mimics of  characters during the dialogs... The clues and foreshadows.... Nagisa's "riddles", different speaking styles for different persons, when you, as far as I understand, are not native English speaker...

However  ....

I really, really, REALLY, adverse to ask this, but. Can it be that appearing of 71st hamster (the one I expect between the one in store room and one during tea time with Uraha) depends on choices made before meeting with Emica?

I had re-played the last update (27.1) more than 50 times for now (few times for each choice option), but still this hamster is the only one of 72 that I've not caught yet, damn it!

Well, howdy there. Thanks a lot for this, it's the bit of positive reinforcement I needed today. :)

Not Jun? That's a rarity. I'm glad to hear it, though. Too many people hate on poor little Jun.
I'm really glad to hear that you enjoy CH for what it is. :)

That's correct. I'm German and English is my second language. I do try to make sure that the characters all have individual voices - as far as that is possible in writing, at least.

Ahh, yeah. I assume you didn't have Yui as an option during the choice? She's only available there, if you took the panties early in the game.

Thanks again for your kind words!

Ghm... well, interesting, I have a feeling that I've taken them, but if you say so, I should assume that that had been during the other run. Not like I am really against the full replay )  Looks like I should properly delete all game data and restart hamster hunting too.

About Jun ... well, she is not my favorite one, but she is tolerable one. How should I say...   I still have some  (naive) hopes for her. I mean if some    reasonable and kind person with virtue of patience and talent for teaching (so definitely not me) spent a few years to hammer the common sense and the way to keep herself together into her, she'll have a chance for good life. Otherwise ... Behavioural disorders are quite shitty thing for person itself in the first place. 

However, the valley girl is incurable diagnosis if you take what I mean.

Speaking about "voices" - any plans to use more Irish  (Scotts ?) for Morrigan and Ori? It is quite weird that  Gan Ceann speaks the Queens's English, isn't it ? 

Anyway, I am on my way to full replay now))

(1 edit)

If you didn't have Yui as an option, then yeah, it was the other run. :P
Going for a full replay including hamsters is something alright! Have fun with it. :)

Well, I'm not gonna take anything away in regards to Jun but she'll be fine. That much I can tell you. :)

Not a fan of Miri, huh? That's too bad. She's such an adorable girl. But I do get that she's not for everyone.

The thing with Morrigan (and Kuro) is that they mostly break out the accents when they're drunk - Morrigan more so than Kuro. It's a bit of a weird compromise but technically they don't speak English but Japanese and I decided that going with "plain" English for that works well enough unless they get drunk and bust out the accent. If you think about it too hard, it doesn't make much sense, but that's kinda what happens when a German guy makes an English game, set in Japan, with a character from Ireland that speaks Japanese, which is actually English because of the audience and a significant lack of proficiency in the Japanese language on the German guy's part. You get all sorts of weird stuff, lol. I hope you're able to follow that weirdly convoluted sentence up there.
But yeah, anyway. That's why Morrigan and Ori speak normal "English" most of the time. :P


The main issue with another run is that I, obviously, don't remember the exact choices I've made before and, being impressed by this issue with Yui I am not sure that I'll be able to make proper choices to get the full collection of hamsters this time. ))

The valley girls/guys are the kin I dislike the most and try to avoid to deal with at any costs IRL, you see. While I admit that she has her role and her character is rather suitable to this role, I can't help but distaste. 

I did  followed your sentence. And it gives me opportunity to be curious:  what were/are your reasons to settle them in Japan? I mean I do know that they are in Japan from story, but I don't feel any Japanese vibe from it at all.

Heh, don't worry. Most hamsters aren't locked behind choices and you should be able to find them just fine. It's only 2-3 that are, I think.
If you want a guide for your search, feel free to join the Discord - there's a list of hints for all of the hamsters on there.

I understand. We all have our dislikes and there's not much to be done about it. It's fine. :)

Eh, CH playing in Japan is based on some early misconception on my part, mostly. Same with CH playing in a "school" and being named accordingly, to be honest. CH being my first project of this kind had me make all kinds of mistakes early on that I now know better. Any future project will (hopefully) profit from my learning experiences here, though.


Fourth playthrough on your newest update and I took Miko with me!!  You laid everything out that we needed to know about you in that one conversation you made mother flipping genius you!!  God!!!!  You just spelled it out as plainly as the worst foggy day and I frakking love you for it!!

Haha, I'm glad you're having fun over there. :)


I'm easily excitable when it comes to things I'm interested in!!


How many words or hours of content is there so far?

(1 edit) (+1)

I don't remember the latest word count but there's a fair bit of content already.


Thanks for the quick reply.  would you guess over 300,000 words or approx. 18 hours, or much less?  Sorry, it's me, just like to know before hand how much time I will invest in a game.  The longer the better.  I learned that it takes me 3 hours to read 50,000 words.  So the hours isjust me.

I had another look and found the last count I did for the Discord - in April the script was at 235k words, so by now it's probably somewhere around 270k. :)


Thank You


I haven't counted the words, nor the hours it takes to read them!!  I have a feeling however, if you want to pick up the wonderfully subtle clues being left, you will need to READ all the way through!!  Possibly two or three times!!  He is a maestro!!


Loving the story but I have a small request. Would it be possible to include an update patch with each release? Having to download the whole game each time means I spend more time downloading each update than actually playing it.

Not a programmer so not a clue how viable this would be, if it can't be done or would be too much work, fair enough. Just a small QoL request.


Ah, the update-only patch can be found in the public release post on my Patreon. I'll try to remember to upload it here too, in the future. :)


I feel like I say this after every new update, but, damn!!!!  Your writing ability, and your ability to keep your readers on edge is second to none!!  That being said ......

YOU BASTARD HOW COULD YOU LEAVE US ON THIS CLIFFHANGER LIKE THIS ONE!!  I both love and hate you right now!!  Which is AWESOME!!!!


Exactly what I wanted to write just now!!

This guy MUST be a sadist...

But as you already wrote: second to none!


Sadist??  Maybe!!  Genius??  Definitely!!


Ahh, thanks! I've been a bit inactive on here lately because things got a bit hectic irl but I've read all your comments and appreciate them a lot! :)

The cliffhanger had to be done. I can't not use an opportunity like that, lol.


Well I both appreciate and loathe your mastery of cliffhangers!!  Which, is a good thing!!

Yeah, it is. If a cliffhanger doesn't make at least one person kinda mad, it wasn't done right. :P


Aki best girl.


VertigoAVN Man like always I am pumped for your newest update!!  In my opinion you are in the top 3 of AVN devs!!  You, Niichan and Caribdis, in no particular order, are absolutely amazing in your storytelling!!


Bro the story is fricking good, although my blood boil for a minute after hearing the past of aki, but it's fine i guess,*sigh* anyways this is the best i have read, it has wholesome scenes too it's too much for my heart it's just too cute for them together, well overall it's the best, keep up the good work dev


Ugh I'm fcking angry thinking about the past of aki,even irl has some cases too, damn fck this, damnit I don't want to think anymore

(1 edit) (-1)

I like the Story so far finished after 4 days the current content and i have to say its interessting to imagine where the story leads.... about the little hints from the blood smell and book of the first male vampire... but i have too say the story would be better without jun idk man not really a fan of this little loli

Jun is CRUCIAL to the story, I'm pretty sure!!  There are smaller hints than the ones you're talking about that lead me to believe she is SUPER important, possibly one of the 3 most important women in the game/story!!!!


well cant see how a little gps loli without other powers can be important

For someone who claims to pick up on little hints, you seem kind of dense!!

She's the key to the children of the coming king!!

The children of the coming king are key to finding out who and what the MC really is!!

lol, I love the "gps loli".

Jun is definitely a polarizing character - you either love her or you hate her.
So, without wanting to spoil too much, let me just say this: It's deliberate and I've got plans.

(1 edit) (+1)

Is it just me or why does it keep crashing or saying "Bye" every time I get in the school at night and when he says "I should get done with this"? I want to hurry and get to the new update!!! 

P.S. I lost my save data so that's why. T-T




(1 edit) (+1)

Btw how do I skip? Somehow it just goes to the next scene every time I click on the skip button.  

Sounds like you have the fast-skip feature enabled, which is why you end up skipping to the next scene. 
Try holding Ctrl or pressing Tab instead. Ctrl should work, Tab might have the same effect as pressing skip due to the fast-skipping being enabled.


Sorry but I think it's funny at the end of 0.26.1 where gg said "You're not reina" and after that I had a semi-screamer but after that I started laughing xD, 

(скорее бы 0.27.1 но по моим подсчётам она будет ± через 2 недели (16 дней) в общем доступе, так?) 

so Good luck in development and less stress, 

Und für die Zukunft kann ich so schreiben, ich habe gerade einen normalen Übersetzer in meiner Tastatur gefunden, plus oder minus, ich freue mich darauf. 

Sorry for the inconvenience in translation, I seem to have woken up bipolar about the languages in which I write. Everyone who reads have a nice day. 

So I have a few questions. The first one is, are there different pathways for the story? Second, what are those "Hamsters"? Third, is the game 3D?

(2 edits)

I'm not a developer, but I can tell you from my observation that the paths are slightly different in terms of dialogue or scenes, but in general they follow the same line. Second, "hamsters", they are hidden in locations where they can be seen, but not much, finding them unlocks the picture in the phone, they are about the character with whom GG communicates or sees. Third, I do not know, it seems that it is a mixture of 2 and 3 d,But it seems to me more to 3d, with this question it is better to the developer, I hope I was able to answer some questions. Good luck


The answer you got from Adrenaline19 is correct. There's not much for me to add to it.

(2 edits)

Hello, sorry for my english and spelling as i am russian, but i would really appreciate if you add russian language, because the versions i found were very badly and unrelatedly translated, they were on 0.18.2, but in all you made this great, thanks

(если шарите то спасибо, та версия закончилась там где аки сказала что это не правда, ну а так просто не хочу ебатся с переводом:))

Hey, no worries about spelling and everything. I can't help with a Russian translation, though, since I don't speak Russian myself. If anything, I'd hire someone to translate the full game once it's done, but at the moment I don't have any plans to create any translations for CH. That includes my own native language (German), by the way. CH is being made in English and only in English for the foreseeable future.
Thank you for your kind words, though! They are much appreciated!

(2 edits)

Np, you game so satisfish, it Will be great about translate, i have seat in this about 3-4 hours but im feel this how 30 minuts. I Just see this game on one of tg channels on russian language but it was auto translated by Google translater then you know) get luck with your's projects(i have 2:45 of night then posting this reply) 

Edit:and i Just watch in translater my reply witch i write by hand, this not bad(im have 4(3,58) by english language on the 10 class) 

Deleted 1 year ago

If you want i can help with translating but only in summertime, in not summertime i need teaching

Thanks, friend, but I have to decline. The offer is very generous and I appreciate it but for the moment that's not an option for me for multiple reasons. One being that I don't speak Russian myself and can't verify the quality of your translation. I'm not saying that it would be bad or anything but I can't put something out there as an official translation when I don't know what it says, you know? It's a matter of being able to ensure the quality of the game and knowing what kind of messages are being sent with it.
But like I said, I do appreciate the offer and I'm glad that you like CH this much. I wish I could provide translations to give more people access, but for the moment English has to suffice. I'm sorry. :)


No problem, i understand that

Deleted 1 year ago

Can't wait for 0.27!!

P.S. I'm out of the hospital now.

Glad to hear that!
0.27 will be a couple weeks longer to get done, then another two weeks to go through the tiers on Patreon, I'm afraid. But it's gonna be good. :P


Hey could you make a site for this game? I dont care about ads so plz make a site for the game.

I do intend to make a website for CH at some point, yes. Can't say when that will be, though. Hopefully this year still.


aww man i cant download it tho. I can play test when you make it though?

Ohh, you were talking about a browser version of the game. Sorry, I thought you meant like a website for downloading it and all that jazz. I'm not sure that I'll make a browser version of CH anytime soon.

I love the detail and the anticipation. Also how do I update the game though?? I don't usually play games like with any,you know what involved so idk how. Appreciate your work mate.

(1 edit)

Thanks a lot!

For PC/Mac:
To update the game, you just download the latest version from here and unpack it into a new folder. You can delete the old version before or afterwards. As long as you're playing on the same PC/Mac, the save files will automatically be available in the new version of the game.

For Android:
Just download the newest .apk file onto your phone and install it by opening it. It should ask to update the game and then you can just follow the instructions.

Hope that helps! If not, let me know and I'll see what I can do. :)

Edit: Formatting


Thanks! I'll try what you said. Also, I think this is the fastest I've been responded to on an itch game. 

I try to be responsive. :)


It also works well on hospital wifi! I'm surprised ngl.

Get well soon!


one of the best i've played so far. great pacing. cant wait for future patches and projects

Thanks a lot, I appreciate it! :)

(1 edit) (+1)

I didn't see the kitty cat until I came over here. Normally I download these games from f@pnation. I normally don't like slow burns. But your's got me hooked like a harpooned shark. Not to mention that I love the edge of my seat vibes I get from it.

Nice! I always love hearing that CH was able to convert people. :P
Thanks for your kind words, friend!


Ain't notin ta thank, ya did good on this one. Only other slow build I ever play were the trainer ones, like the four elements parody.

Heh, well.. it's appreciated anyway! :)


Looks like everyone is doing my job for me you genius you!!  So this time I'll just say, we're not worthy!!

Haha, aw. I disagree on the worthiness but thank you all the same! :P

come on man!!  People tell you that you need to turn this into a book!!  I tell you a live action(like you my curiosity as to which actress would get cast to which role??) Series would ROCK!!  Everyone (including me) agrees that your story is FUCKING PERFECT for Anime!!  Please, PLEASE my friend; stop being so damned modest!!  You are a genius of the long forgotten art of subtlety (Nagisa is a prophet of the coming king I know it) and long form story telling!!  Please accept this!!

(1 edit)

OH!!!!!  Live action casting for Yuu....

It's total fan casting but.....

Not my step son or I (I am the metal man on the left) but, Tom Freaking Ellis!!!!!!

(2 edits) (+2)

Hey I was wondering if there is a way to read the story somehow because my pc died not too long ago and when I tried to play the game on my phone but it kept chrashing after awhile I really like the story and want to know what happens next

Edit: fixed some spelling errors


Hey, the only way to access the story is through the game, sorry. Did it give you any error messages when it crashed on your phone?

No it just crashes usually while skipping or trying to save

Sometimes when I click the menu button it closes

That's very unusual and nothing related to CH, I'm afraid. My best guess would be that your phone doesn't have enough memory to run RenPy games, but that's pretty much a shot in the dark. Do other AVN's Android version work for you?

(1 edit)

Idk what AVN is ? But it's most likely my phone it's a samsung A11 and it has 2 gb of memory 

Thanks for the help anyway


been refreshing the page all day for new newest release to drop and then it drops while I'm taking a nap lol time to download and read

It's always like that, isn't it? :P


Amazing game, got me essentially addicted.

Good development and community also

The game itself is amazing. I follow the story intently while playing and actually feel emotion while playing which I have not experienced with a single other game - and I have played plenty in my time!

All the characters have their own personalities which have already been developing well throughout the current game.

Get it now while it is still free as it definitely warrants a decent price even unfinished!

Hot dang, that's a neat review! Thank you so much for your kind words, I appreciate them a ton! :)


The damnable hamsters feel like they exist to punish me for bein too engrossed in the story to acknowledge a minor change in the backgroun. Havin the hints on jus takes me outta the story.

Otherwise zero complaints beyond my preference for sandbox type VNs over bein restrained to a specific order o events.


Heh. They are kind of evil, I guess.
Being too engrossed in the story is a good issue to have, though. :P

Can't make everyone happy, sadly. Thank you for playing CH anyway. :)


I'm happy tho. I deleted CH, went to sleep, an had to restore it from my recycle bin cause I NEED to know what happens. I usually prefer more game but I'll treat this like one o the webcomics I read.


Sorry, yeah. I don't know why I phrased it that way, since your comment was really nice. Been a bit tired today, I guess. :P

Treating it like a webcomic is probably a good idea, yes. It's kind of a slightly interactive webcomic, if you want. :)
And thanks for your comment!


I have played for about 3 hours and I can see why so many people like this game. The story is interesting and the characters are well written with.


This game has way too many internal monologues. The MC starts his monologue before, after & even in between conversations. Sometimes it was necessary to include but most of the times there was no need for them. In my 3 hour gameplay it felt like 2 hour story and 1 hour monologue. 

This part actually ruined the enjoyment for me. It felt really boring and I just started skipping most of the monologue  Don't get me wrong, I don't want to rush the story or anything. I like slowburn character development. But it is best experienced while the characters are interacting with each other not monologuing everything they do or happens around them.

I will push myself for 2 more hours. Let's see if it get better or not.

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit) (+2)

Honestly this is a top tier AVN for me. The story is phenomenal, and I absolutely love the dark themes of this. Characters are very well developed and cute, i also feel like no one is 100 percent safe so i like how that keeps me on the edge of my seat. And seriously this is only scratching the surface, but I'd be here all day and I can go on and on hahaha. Great job my friend :)

Thanks a lot for your kind words! I'm very glad that you enjoy CH. :)


Thank you for making CH! You are seriously talented.  I'll definitely be joining your Patreon next week when I get paid. Such a great AVN! 

I appreciate that a lot - both what you said and you wanting to support me - thank you!. :)


Of course man! I mean it.  You’ll see me on Patreon around next Friday, I’m very excited to be able to support an amazing creator and game! 

Well, thank you very much, then! Make sure to join the Discord (link in the game or farther up on the page) if that's something you're interested in. Very relaxed place. :)


We finally find out whose underwear that was! Here's hoping for more nopan content!

I'm enjoying this game. You do a good job with the art and story. I love Suzu and Kana's expressions the most. They feel like expressions only they would give. Your strongest scenes remain those with many characters together, with background events and 3rd party reactions making me flip between pages to fully grab all the details. The sneaky conversations between Kana and Kogome are fun to notice, as are Suzu's occasional, subtle influences. 

The "Actually I'm okay with being a harem" conversations are starting to feel kinda hard to believe with some of the girls. I believe it for Suzu and some of the more casual characters like Reina and Yukari. It just feels more inexplicable for Miko. Some of the other classmates don't currently feel like they would ascribe to that kind of relationship (though they obviously have not said anything about it yet.) I get that it's part of the fetish and probably has some secret magical rational in the story, but I need more doubt from the characters to buy-in to the idea. Surely a few of them besides Kana thinks it's a little weird. If I see more characters disliking the idea of a polyamorous relationship, only to become convinced of it, then I think I would find it more compelling. 

Also, Ren's lived four months in as many days. This guy is going to go prematurely gray if you don't let him slow down. ^^ Even his relaxing trip to the beach had him running up and down the coast half a dozen times!


Heh, yeah he's a busy guy indeed. A little salt and pepper should look good on him though, so why not. :P

Thank you for your feedback! I'll keep it in mind going forward. Also glad to hear that you enjoy CH! :)

Bro, is there any tutorial about how to export saves from the old version to the new one? And also my laptop got factory reset and I lost all my saves unfortunately. I really don't wanna start it over. Can I download them from somewhere? I was at the end of version 0.23

Saves generally get transferred between versions automatically. That is, of course, as long as the PC/laptop isn't being fully reset. As for a tutorial, there are probably a few of those on YouTube.

There are no official saves to download that I can point you to, no. However, you could join the Discord and ask if someone there is willing to send you theirs if they still have the save files from 0.23 - I believe at least a couple people on there do keep older saves.

Ok, so I have held back in asking because I almost always prefer to figure things out for myself!!  However, the more I read your amazing story, the more I have to ask one simple, yet loaded, question!!  Is Nagisa a prophet??

A prophet of the coming king before yyou ask!!


That will remain my secret for now. Can't give all of them away here, otherwise I won't have any left for the game. :P


Have you ever considered a career as a screenwriter or a show runner!!  The more I read, the more I catch your subtle genius!!  Nagisa??  A squirrel??  A bunny who saw his own death??  Oh man!!


I have not, no. Being a game dev is my career of choice. :P
If you like subtle details, CH is exactly the game for you. I especially enjoy hiding things in plain sight that you only catch in a second playthrough. :D
Thanks for your kind words again, compadre!

you are very welcome!!


Subtlety is VERY underrated and underappreciated in a modern society that hits like a sledgehammer!!


I definitely agree. Some things just work better when implied or hinted at. Makes it even more rewarding when you figure them out/spot them. :P


Excuse me I love this game and the music are incredible and really immersive. Please I would like to know if there is a downloadable soundtrack. And again the game is insane!!!


Thanks a lot! I really appreciate your kind words. :)
There is no downloadable soundtrack per se, but there is a folder with all the audio files used in the game.


Thanks a lot for taking the time to answer. 


Ooooh this agony!!! You're really killing me ;-)

The story is getting better and better and I just hate to wait for the next update!

Just two questions: Will Miri be back any time soon? She's by far not my favorite character,but I like her pretty much,nonetheless and second: do you like Bourbon? Claws says,she wants some WhisKEY after the job is done, but since the story is located in Japan, I would have expected, she'd prefer a good Whisky, especially since there are many very good Single Malts out there from Japan?

Anyway, keep up this fantastic work! It's really outstanding!


Miri is going to come up in the next update, yeah, although only via text message for now. Anything beyond that I'll let you find out in the update itself.

As for Claws: She's gotten into whiskey through Morrigan (who swears on the Irish stuff) and ever since prefers it over the local whisky. :P

Myself? I don't drink any alcohol, so I don't really have an opinion on what alcohol tastes good.

Thanks for your comment and your praise! I'm very happy to hear that you enjoy CH so much. :)


As a Scottsman and an avid whiskey drinker most of the more popular Japanese Whiskeys are closer to Scotch, and there are a lot of worse western whiskeys than Suntory or Nikka.

I usually have Suntory Single in the cabinet. It isn't as smooth as a MacAllan or a GlenDronach Revival but what is.

Also great work so far. 

Thank you for the insight! If the topic comes up in CH, I might use it to enhance Claws'/Morrigan's dialogue. :P

And thanks for your kind words. :)

A Scot eh??  Irish whiskey will ALWAYS be superior!!


i love the intensity of the house that you made, made me shake with anxiety and anger at whats going on there. Good job man! Keep up the amazing work!

Thanks a lot! :)

(1 edit) (+3)

just seen this has updated and now I'm wishing the download would hurry up lol, I'm late to the update

ok caught up and that has to be the most infuriating cliffhanger yet, I grudgingly love it 


Right??  I said I hadn't decided if I no longer liked them after that or if I liked them even more!!  

Heh. Sorry to tease you (not really, I'm enjoying it), but I'm glad you enjoyed it nonetheless. :P


I just finished the new update!!  You dirty, dirty, DIRTY tease!!  You certainly have perfected the art of the cliffhanger haven't you??  I haven't decided if I no longer like you, or if I like you even more lol!!  Great work as always!!


Haha, thank you. Look at it like this: Wanting to know how the story continues, with heightened anticipation thanks to the cliffhanger, makes the next update even more enjoyable. So, by teasing you with a cliffhanger, I'm enhancing your future experiences. And with that in mind, I'd argue you should like me more. :P


oh I agree!!  I call it the drumroll!!  



So, I never like to ask artists of the written and visual media about their work!!  I enjoy trying to figure things out on my own!!  However, I've read through many times and have one question I can't get out of my head about the story!!  So I have to ask, why is Suzu not listed amongst the main or side cast??  It makes me concerned for her safety!!



I know right??

You're talking about the phone, right? For me she's there.
Silly question, but did you scroll down in the main cast menu? :P

In case you did and she's not between Okami, Yui, and Yukari, is there a locked icon instead? Or does it just skip from Reina to Yui?

*face palm* I probably shouldn't admit this, it's going to make me sound stupid and foolish; but I never tried to scroll down!!  I tried side to side but never down!!  Now, my inner Pollock is showing!!  Oy vey!!

I swear I'm not as unintelligent as that makes me seem!!  I just have a tendency to overlook the obvious and complicate things unnecessarily!!


Hehe. Don't worry about it, these things happen. Sometimes your mind is so preoccupied with other things (like worrying about a certain princess) that obvious stuff goes amiss. :P

yeah well your story is helps me take my mind of off real world problems!!  Ones that will never go away unfortunately!!






Can't promise anything :D


okay XD it was funny yea XD but it killed me AS th MC was going out XD

Glad to hear that it was as funny for you as it was for me :P


I've said it before, but this story/game is amazing!!  No matter how many times I read/play, there are always parts that will hit the feels and mist the eyes!!  I agree about the anime movie, however, too bad I'm not a producer because I would bet heavily on turning your story into a TV show!!  Anime or live action!!  Though, live action comes with it's own drawbacks!!

Ahhh, the praise! Thank you, friend!
I'm not sure that live action would be a good pick for CH, to be honest. Although, I have to admit that I'm kinda curious about the actresses for the girls. :D


My thoughts exactly!! 

olha ja faz uma semana que estou jogando esse jogo e digo uma coisa você esta de parabéns cara que jogo bom continue assim e digo que ja sou fã do seu trabalho e mais uma coisa eu sou seu  fã numero 1 do brasil. continue assim que você vai long

Hey, thanks, amigo! Glad to hear that you enjoy it so much!
Cheers to Brazil! :)


yuu totally threw me off

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