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For anyone on the fence looking to the comments to see if it's worth it to invest your precious time and hard drive space for an unfinished visual novel, go no further - it is 100% worth it.

Crimson High is my favorite linear visual novel I've ever experienced, and it's updated regularly enough that you're never waiting too long for the next chunk of story - though Vert is a master of ending every update with a horrible cliffhanger that hooks you in and makes 100% sure that you'll be waiting for that next sweet, sweet update.

For anyone looking for lots of H-content, there currently is a decent amount, though it is decently spaced out to make way for tons of beautiful worldbuilding, wholesome moments, romantic scenes, and plenty of character building.

Quoth best girl.


Wow, what a comment! Thank you so much, Tloor!


hey what I will saying is only a fantasy but maybe an idea for you

Maybe some day it comes an war between all humane that are hunting myths and the MC awakens some power in him that can bring peace but before that he must train, difficult choices to answer and maybe Miko is a weapon that the hunters need to use to destroy the myths. 

I know its just fantasy but can maybe happen XD


Or maybe you've unknowingly uncovered the story of CH. I guess we will have to wait and find out if you did. :D

Thank you so much! I don't know if anyone ever told you this, but Crimson High would make the most amazing anime! Ho! And i absolutely love (Jun)!I can'twait to see how her ark continues! 


You're welcome! I think you're the first one to mention that. :P
Jun is so adorable, isn't she? :D
Thank you for your kind words. :)


Hello good sir, just checking if your uploading v0.22.1 today as you said it will go public on the 10th. Aside from that thanks for the awesome story and all of your hard work! I feel like a kid on Christmas day whenever a new update is out!


Haha, I'm happy to hear that! And yes, the update will be out shortly (more or less, depending on how fast the upload's going to be :P)!
Thank you for your kind words and for playing CH. :)


There you go. :P


Does this Game have sex scenes ? 

BTW I heard that the plot in this Game is very good so right ?


It does, yes.

As for the plot/story.. well, people seem to like it so far. :)

Tha game hasn't finished yet right ?



thanks for your answers 

And last question how many sex scenes are in The game yet and how many girls ?

(2 edits) (+1)

 It doesn't really effect the game whatsoever, but I figured I'd let you know anyways. During most of the scenes on Android it's like clips of past scenes glitch and layover on to the new ones like this. Of course it could just be a glitch on my end. But, I'm enjoying it immensely! Keep up the awesome work!


Yeah, that's a bug with the hamsters that I accidentally introduced in the last version. It got fixed on PC already for 0.21 and is now fixed for all versions of 0.22.

Thanks for letting me know anyway, though! I appreciate that. :)

(1 edit) (+1)

you know how you have music credits in the about section? love that its there, hate how messy it is to read and use to find the songs. any chance you have another track list somewhere? couldnt find a few songs from the VN id love to hunt down.long live crimson high keep it up : )

Haha, yeah it's awful to read, isn't it? I gotta clean that up at some point.
Don't really have a track list or anything like that but if you let me know what scene the song(s) was/were playing in, I'll look it up for you. Provided it's not all of them you wanna know. :P


nah not all i think i found most. think im down to the ones in yukari's drinking game slash science experiment lol, waking up to suzu and daisy, picking the athlete with kagome, and pretty much most of the ori beach trip. that counts as not all of them i think? not my fault you are killing it on the soundtrack on top of the story, characters, etc :P cheers

Haha, sure I'll look them up.
Drinking game: Karl Casey - Slice of Paradise
Waking up to Suzu/Daisy (first night she stays over, I assume?): Darren Curtis - The Corporation
Picking an athlete: Roa - Memories
Beach trip: Bunch of stock music with no attribution, but I'll give you the song titles anyway. "spanish-beach-109195", "kalimba-beach-party-music-3342", "lo-fi-1_04-15745", "tropical-music-all-of-u-129834", "sunlights-and-coconuts-8888", "bossa-in-my-heart-13187", "island-beach-3854", "summer-surf-120252", "staycation-118405".
Not sure how much you can do with those but yeah, there you go. :P
Glad to hear that you're enjoying the music in CH. :D


right on the scene with suzu/daisy but wrong song, like literally waking up 'something urges me to wake up" that 1. i think it also plays at the beach talking to kagome and miko in the ocean if that helps. also right on the drinking game 1 but my bad realized there was 3 songs in that one was curious about the track playing when we get...lets say closer to yukari lolol :P i think its been in other scenes too. regardless, ill quit bugging you after this ahah your too kind gracias

Ahhh, that Suzu/Daisy song should be "LoFi - River Background".
As for the Yukari drinking game one.. well, depending which stage of getting closer you mean, it could be either "Formalin Fetus" (when MC asks her that question for 6 shots), or "Purrple Cat - Wild Strawberry" (when Yukari suggests an experiment in the name of science). I assume it's the latter, though, from what you said.
No worries. Enjoy the great songs by those talented artists! :)


will it have multiple endings?

btw love the game.


Probably, yeah.

Thank you!

Is this a nsfw or no?

(1 edit) (+5)(-1)

Yeah, but if you're just in it for the porn, you might as well not play it because the game takes its time to get to the "good parts". So far there's less than 10 scenes in the game. Just as a heads up.

Well I'm always looking for something new and I don't play these just for the porn but to see the gameplay and character development seeing as there are only 9 or 8 scenes however means this one will be short oh well ig I can keep looking until something new is made or if this updates can't really say I'm looking for a challenge bc vn's usually aren't but they are a lot of work especially if you have to grind a lot I can only imagine a game like this as it is would only cause edging and that's not for everyone 

But the full game is worth looking forward to


Well, I don't know about it being short. It's just not a porn game per se, because I like to build up the relationships first and we're just now slowly getting to the part where the MC gets close enough to the girls
My suggestion would be to just give it a try if you like character development, because that's one of the things I pay a lot of attention to in CH.
As for grind.. there is none. Neither is there edging, I'd say. Teasing, maybe, but that's not intentional and rather a byproduct of the story and how things are going between the MC and the girls.


bruh you cant do me like that, its just getting good!! i knew this is one to watch out for an intended to wait but damn my weak resistance to temptation XD 

I have to admit, i dont have much in terms of expectations for games of this nature but you have really done something amazing here. the story, the characters, everything is a cut above. a job very very well done mate, i cant wait to see where this goes. incidentally, from a story perspective, how far in is the latest update? 


Haha, oops! I guess now you'll have to play the next update, too. :P

Thank you for your kind words! I do try my best to make CH something special and I guess being passionate about it pays off, too. :)

As for the story.. well, this is of course not a final answer but I do plan for 9 chapters. Since we're now early in chapter 3, we're somewhere between 25-30% of the overall story. But we'll have to wait and see what'll happen in the future. :P


chapter 3 and its this good already? man i cant wait to see the rest then :D


Haha, thank you! :)

(2 edits) (+3)(-1)

Aaaaaaand…. he did it again! Another cliffhanger at a crucial time… Now I know why people always were mad at me when I used to write and ended chapters with cliffhangers 😅 Now I’m gonna replay all the game and hunt for those hamsters I missed…. until the next update, at least 😉


Hehe! :D
Being at the receiving end of those is way worse than to create them, eh?
Hope you enjoyed it anyway and have fun hunting those tiny rodents!

Question VertigoAVN so far in the story I encountered vampires n Neko girls what other creatures half-breed r we to encounter?


well if you have seen the story so far there are already more


That's not really a question I answer. The best I can tell you is "mythological creatures from all kinds of folklore".


Will there be any pregnancy fetish in the story or just pregnancy sence?


No pregnancy, no.


Okay would be nice to be parents in the end of the story


That's debatable.


it would be nice to have the option, but i get that a lot of people arent fond of children


Yeah, that's part of it. But there's also the time frame CH plays in, which is just over a week so far. There are of course ways around that, like time skips or having the ending(s) play in a more distant future, but yeah.
The one big reason why I won't add any pregnancy to CH, though, is that I simply dislike it myself. Pregnancy content is very low on the list of things I enjoy and I would hate to have to create scenes like that, which would inevitably lead to them being of lower quality than other scenes with content I do enjoy. :)


had a lot of fun with this one, didn't expect to end up this invested in all the characters :) 
really interesting story with a whole lot of great hooks, looking forward to more, keep up the great work! 


Thanks a lot! Happy that you had fun with CH :)
Will do my best!

Hi does anyone have a list of the monster girls cause I lost could after 15

(1 edit) (-3)

Hi question can anyone help me get the v0.21 android public download I will really appreciate 


You're aware that 0.21 isn't publicly available yet?


Okay so do you have a idea when the next update come out


0.21 will be out for public on the 16th.

April or March?


Next Thursday


I've just caught up with the latest update and I've fell in love with the lore you're building. I've not been this intrigued with a story in a while. It's very odd to play a lewd VN and be gripped by the lore more than the characters. Not to do your characters a disservice, they're really well written with consistency in their traits and personalities as well as the design of each being distinct and immediately recognisable.
Often lewd VNs fall back on their lewd scenarios because they have to, I love that your lewd scenes are used as a vehicle to progress the story further.
The mystery behind everything is so gripping.
My only semi complaint is that sometimes when the wee space hamsters pop up in steamy or impactful scenes it takes me out of the moment a little. but  getting to find them in funny places or scenarios is so cute that I find it very hard to stay mad at them.
Please keep up the fantastic work. 

PS. Copying the binary to get "beep boop very edgy" had be giggling very hard.


Damn, thank you so much! That's an amazing review and really kind of you to say.
I aim for Crimson High to be more than a porn game. To be honest, I don't even think of it as a porn game anymore. It's a supernatural visual novel that covers adult topics and not an adult story with supernatural elements. (Might have to edit the itch page at some point :D)
It makes me really happy when people can see (and love) CH for that and don't want it to be something else. Thank you! Oh and also thank you for the review on the other site which shall not be named here. :P

Yeah, the hamsters can pop up in weird situations, that's true. To be honest, I had never thought about them possibly being immersion-breaking. I'll try to keep that in mind when choosing their hidey-holes in the future. Thanks for the feedback. :)

Haha, glad to hear that you enjoyed the binary.

Feel free to join me on the Discord, too, if that's something you're interested in! :)

(1 edit) (+3)

I just like to say, I'm really enjoying very much how well wrapped is the world you created! Although I like the hentai scenes, what keeps me going and going is the history and the personality you gave to each character. Last night I play for 6 hours straight (and today was hell as I have to wake early), don't remember last time a game hook me that much!

If Crimson High was released as a book, I would buy it whithout thinking twice! Going to Patreon you as soon as I can!


Wow, thank you, that's some fine praise! Sorry about your short night, I hope your day will still be nice!

And thank you for your support. Feel free to join CH's Discord server, too. I'm hopping around there pretty much every day after work. :)


Man you did it again! Impressive! The story stays at toplevel, concerning depth and entertainment! Can't wait for the next update.

Thx for the most entertaining hours of playtime!


Oh dang! Thanks, man, that's awesome to hear (read?)!


A very well written AVN that is engaging and entertaining, greatly looking forward to it's continuance.


Thanks a ton!

Yo how long is gameplay?


Yo, no idea. A while? Somewhere between a couple hours and a couple days, I guess. Hard to say since it depends on reading speed and stuff.


I can honestly say this is my favorite AVN on the citadel.  I love the characters and story so much, keep up the great work.  Oh and Suzu is best girl, IMO.


Haha, thank you! That's so awesome to read!
Team Suzu, nice!


Very nice story and pacing, loved it so far


Thanks a lot, happy to hear that!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello I didnt played but i want to ask.Are scenes animated or just images? story seems funny and solid i get it from comments. Which is great for me. Because i love story 

Also what is that space hamsters is that a joke from the game ? 

Sorry for my grammer tho :)

(2 edits) (+2)

There are animated scenes, yes. However, don't expect there to be a lot of them. CH focuses on its story first and we're only just getting into the steamy parts. There are some scenes already, but not nearly as many as in other games of CH's size.

Space Hamsters are little collectibles hidden throughout the game. Once you find and click them, you unlock an image in one of the galleries.


Really great writing my dude. Like zero criticisms. Your grammar and sentence structure is impeccable, and like, I wish that wasn't as much of a compliment as it is, but it's the state of the genre I'm afraid lol. I do occasionally wish the MC's anxiety issues played more of a role in the plot, he seems to have a terrible hero complex haha. But I really appreciate that the characters have actual problems. Too many plots from this genre are like, super low stakes? Or their problems are essentially solved with a few dollars and genitalia. Dialogue feels extremely natural, MC isn't a D-bag or a blank slate. I cannot imagine what kind of sick person would actually play without the hamster hints on though, I feel like that could be implemented a bit better? Maybe with a sound cue, or the little guy could glow a bit or something. Idk, but for me it wasn't a particularly enjoyable gameplay element. Also the fact that the beginning leads you to believe it will have elements of investigation where you have to find clues and then piece everything together, only for that element to be dropped entirely, was a bit disappointing. And also made the hamster bit even more strange as it's the only interactive aspect for 90% of the game. 

But truly minor issues considering they are essentially bonuses. I feel very attached to the characters and like most of them. I feel like maybe you should stop introducing new characters soon, though? Just a bit overwhelming, there are like 30 characters at this point. I get all excited to learn more about a character and then 5 more characters are introduced with their own unique issues. The MC's life has such an insane amount of attention from so many different people. Maybe that's just me though, idk. Overall, one of the best AVN out there right now, you should definitely be proud of what you've accomplished so far


Well, first of all, thank you! I try my best to make the game stand out and I'm happy to read that I seem to be at least somewhat successful in doing so.

I appreciate the feedback, too. Both the positive and negative.
Only two things I feel like I need to address specifically:

- The hamster feature is just a little bonus, like you basically already said, so I'm fine with how it is. Yes, they can be really dang hard to find but I'm personally not a fan of everything being handed out all the time. And since it's a bonus feature, my take on it is: "If it's too hard for you, don't look for them." They don't bear any significance towards the main story, after all. I hope you don't take this the wrong way. Just my stance on the topic. :)

- Also, the characters: Yes, there are a lot. There will be more in the future, too. Not all of them are actually meant to get developed, though. As a player of AVN, I always found it a bit off-putting that most worlds are basically empty except for the "actual characters". And I really got to dislike those shadow figures you see often used in games. So I chose to give each main character a suite of "support characters" to make their personal story feel more alive. This might not be for everyone, yes, but if you don't expect every character you see to get a fully-fledged story, it's not an issue in my opinion. The in-game phone shows who's actually part of the main cast and only those 13 girls are really relevant. The "side girls" too, to a lesser extent. Everyone else gets less attention and only in relation to the main story or one of the main girls' personal stories. A good example for that are Airi and Sae Anzou; they are support-only for Aki.

You obviously don't have to agree with me on any of this, but I hope it helps you understand why I decided for those things to be what they are. If you want to chat more about this, feel free to join the Discord. I don't mind to explain things some more. :)

I gotta stop here, though, because it's already a huge wall of text. Let me just thank you again for your kind words and wish you a pleasant day! And of course: thanks for playing and enjoying Crimson High. :)

(1 edit) (+2)

Hey mate, love the game ! I had the 0.5 version and i stopped for a while, and you recently released the 0.19.1 version to public (don't ask me how I have this old version knowing the fact I discovered your AVN in December because I don't know :3 ), so I downloaded it but i can't load my previous save (can't stop rollbacking). Is it too old ? should i play the old version to advance the story or just start a new game using te skip button ?


Hi there!
Awesome to hear that you love CH! :)
Yes, I'd suggest starting a new game and just skipping up to the point where you were at. If you use the Tab key for it, it'll auto-skip for you, provided you have 'skip unseen' and 'skip after choices' enabled in the options. Shouldn't take you too long to get to the 0.5 content this way.
Sorry for the inconvenience! The script has changed a good bit since then and some of those changes are bad for backwards-compatibility.
Enjoy the new content, though!


Thanks for the fast reply ! Yeah that's what I thought about the script. But when did you released the 0.5 ?? I can't understand how I got it in December if w'ere now on 0.19 it triggers me you know x) my folder say I downloaded it on christmas ><  it's no big deal but it's frustrating

I will enjoy for sure !


Hmm, v0.5 should be from around this time last year. February or March, I think. No idea how you got that if you downloaded it last Xmas. Was it here on Itch? :D


Not absolutly sure but it has to be, I download most of AVN here so.. I just checked my google history and i saw that I searched your game on itch just after Xmas, so idk. It will stay a mystery :D


Haha, weird. I guess we'll never know, then. :D


Absolutely fantastic story!

Most of the time Adult VN's are just a quick fun pump to me, but man, this one is so amazing, I just couldnt. 

The characters are all incredibly charming with very diverse personalities, body types and their own thoughts and struggles.

The MC is written to be witty, fun and charismatic, but not too over the top perfect to the point you loose relatability.

Hats off to you Vertigo for making this gem!

Looking forward to new updates!


Woah, thank you! That's so kind of you! I'm really happy that you enjoy CH so much! :)


Loving this so much. The story is genuinely good and fun to read and I found myself really caring about the characters and what happened to them.


Awesome, thanks a ton! Appreciate the kind words. :)


yesssd finally thank u so much, this game is aawesome you've done amazing work 😆😆😆😆🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Haha, thank you! Glad you think so! :D


This is absolutely, one of the best VNs I've played right up there with other legendary VNs. I love the reference to the other VNs you make on Beanflix (excellent name LOL), I enjoy the story is genuinely good, the main character is not only very intelligent and socially competent, but also attractive and all the characters look absolutely excellent and are interesting. Thank you for such an amazing masterpiece that blesses


Thanks a ton, man, that's amazingly kind of you! :)


Great job I really didn't see twists with yuri(cafe one) coming I enjoy story greatly


Thank you! Glad you're enjoying it! :)


beep boop so edgy (i'm not giving context lol)


also, again great update, can't wait for more


Haha, thank you! Appreciate that :)


 spoiler alert sss tier game love being a detective trying to figure out what the mc actually his at this point i dont think he is human and i have no clue how he didnt know jun was the one following him all it took was the way she ran for me to figure it out i like where the "children of the coming king" is going cant wait for the story to unfold as my ?sluthing? becomes more intense 


Hehe, thank you. I'm glad you like it!
The word you're thinking of is 'sleuthing', yes. :)


yes could figure out how to spell it tried like five times


Haha, yeah it's one of those weird words.


for sure


during the game I have a crash, it just throws me out, I tried several times but it throws me out, what could be the problem


I'll need a little more information than that.
What platform? PC?
When does the crash happen? Is it always at the same spot?
Is there an error message or does it just terminate the game?
Without this kind of information I can't possible know what could be wrong.


I use phone crash happens in the same place


go text appears all black and thrown out of the game


In which place does this happen?

Considering that you're the only one who's mentioned this so far, it's reasonable to assume that it's a problem with your phone and not the game. I'm not sure that I can really help you with that. You might want to try playing on PC instead.


everything is fine now, there was no update on the phone, everything started to fix, I went to updates and I see that there was no update after the update, everything is fine, the game continues


pretty baller


Out of curiosity, how much of the story would you say is finished, approximately? is the version number roughly a percentage, or is it more arbitrary?


This will likely change somewhere down the road, depending on update size and whatnot, but yeah, right now around 20% is correct.


Well I personally cannot wait for the next 80% to be done. This is probably my favorite vn in this style that I've played on itch.


You and me both, man. I wish I could time-travel to take a look at the finished game
Your favorite VN in this style, huh? Damn, that's awesome! Guess now I have no choice but to hurry up!
Feel free to also join our Discord, if that's something you're into. :)


Merry christmas


Thanks! Happy holidays to you, too!


Nooooo!! The hell was that. I was enjoying the game only to see it finish at a cliff hanger. You now got me hooked and want more.


Haha, I'm sorry. Public release schedule for the next update has been posted to Patreon already. :P


I'll kill you a thousand times...Shouldn't it be a hundred? ) I saw that anime too!


It's not really a single-anime quote but more of a trope at this point, I'd say. And no, thousand is fine. Sounds better than a hundred, if you ask me.


Well you get my drift. I was laughing my ass off when I saw it. Love the game, still playing it. How many chapters are expected?


I'm really glad to hear that. Thanks, man!
That's a tricky question. Right now I'm aiming for 3 chapters per book and 3 books in total, so overall 9 chapters. This doesn't account for a possible sequel, though. Whether or not I'll make that is not yet certain and mostly depends on how things are looking once we get there. :)


Just got done! Man, what a way to leave us hanging. Can't wait for the next update! I've played at least 100 of these type of games and this one is in my top 10 at least, if not top 5. I love the balance between humor, sex scenes, story and "deeper" things. The characters are each unique and very well drawn. You must play this game!


Thanks a lot! That's awfully nice of you! Makes me really happy that you like it so much. :)

Next update is in the alpha stage right now and will go through the tiers starting tomorrow. Release schedule is up on Patreon for everyone to see. :)


Nooooooooo i hate You how could You end it like that

I want to know more


I'm sorry, little one. Don't hate me too much.

Next update is almost done, though. Just be a little more patient!

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