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i hate the faces with the weird fkn noses and all but overall absolutely amazing job in creating this.  


That cliffhanger came outta nowhere just "ooo shiny" thanks for playing lmao




ah yes is December . .

the Time has come ...

Execute Order 34 


O-order 3-34 sir!? Truly!? :D


yes General ! Order 34 ;D


Comments be hilarious x3

Is the last part of this update when he goes to speak to Reina and Mana when he asks Mana what she needs to get? Just so I know if I need to update the game lol

Nope, that's 2 updates back. :P

Tried following your steps for the Android save fix, but when I get to the "Data" folder it's empty 

You n3ed a better file explorer. I found cx file explorer, and it lers me see it all. Quite a few others did not.

Games so good I just uninstalled and installed the new one lol

Just caught up on the parts I missed, as always awesome work! Though that ending literally hit you out of nowhere 😂 I thought it kept going, gave me a good laugh lol.


Haha, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. :D


im going to download it again but i swear to god if i get another damn cliffhanger


Nooooo, don't worry, you wooon't. (Yes, you will. Each and every time.)


you evil mf -_- i havent played yet becuase im focusing on another one atm but you evil ma


You'll be fine.


Awesome game! I enjoyed playing it. Looking forward to new update. When is it coming bro?


Thank you!

Next update's going public in about 3-ish weeks. :)

Ima get nightmares from them faces, Other than that good jo!


What faces?

Thank you, I guess?

Hi ! 

Just ti say few things (and ask a small one). So far I love your game, few joke, great situation, nice plot and main char (every char in fact) we get the thoughts of the mc and think like him most of the time ... I just like this game like every char story are good and all. For now I think I pretty much ever char story ! . I still got a small thing to ask, I can't seem to find a hamster, the 43 th one I think, I got the previous and next one, I more or less did try to max girl stat the much I can in case it's visible in case we have some event that can happen, but I can't just see him. 

(Watch for spoil !!)

To be more accurate it's the one between Uhara's and Mana's. I think we have it in the scene with Suzu's after our talk with Aki's but I can't be sure (I think so cause of the overview it seem like it's a girl with red / pink hair) I have think of Ori and we meet her but I don't see any hamster as well. I did try to play the hint to find it, but it seem like it don't work as well. Did I need to trigger some event on it or something like that ?

(End spoil !!)

Anyway would be cool if you could help me on it. But it still a fackong awesome game ! Thx for your work bro ! Will definitely try to help differently your game next month or so when my situation let me more possibility. I hope this message could still convince someone thinking about playing it ! Nice art, nice story, nice char, nice background, nice nice.

Anyway, Yori out !

You know, this moment when you search for something and the moment where you are like "bwarf anyway will find it some other time". That's exactly what happened to me just now, I did find it, without wanting to give to much of help for people wanting to find it the "classic way" he was with yukari. 

The hint don't work on him, but you can find him without too much difficulty if you know with which girl he is and on which event. So I think it's enough of a help for my previous post and this one.

Anyway if you have started to answer me thx for the help ! Have a nice day! And thx for the help again !


Hey there and thank you for your kind words! It's awesome that you like and enjoy CH this much. :)

The hamster you were looking for is a special one (as you surely noticed :P) and I didn't check the hint function for it specifically. I'll do so for the next update, though, and make sure that it works properly. Thank you for letting me know! And congratulations on completing the (current) hamster collection!

Thank you for your message and for playing CH! Have a nice day, too. :)


I'm curious, with as many characters as there are in the game is there any in particular that you have the most fun writing for?


Most fun writing for, huh? Hmm..

Jun is always fun, so are Perrine, Miri, and Nagisa. I think from a pure fun perspective I'll have to go with those four.

Most of the girls have their moments, though. Can't say that there's anyone I haven't enjoyed writing for yet.


Your game made me fail No Nut November 😡, 0/10. 

But fr, you are very underrated and I love this game. I hope you will do well in future updates!


Heh. Which one of the girls was it?

Thank you very much! I hope so, too. Word of mouth is very important for the game to grow, so remember to spread the word. :P


Holy sweet Jesus... I absolutely had a great time playing this masterpiece. I enjoyed it pretty much every second I played it and didn't skip anything at all which for me that's really rare. 

Can't say this enough but all the characters are just the most lovable things in the world and I can't get enough of any of them, I NEED MOAR!!!!!

You are making history my guy, this is really good, I didn't expect myself to be this immersed, but here I am, literally worshiping a dev after finishing the patch just seconds ago, took me by surprise, not gonna lie.

Thank you for making me feel such happiness while playing this gem, godspeed to you sir, and thank you for such an amazing game.


Wow, uh.. thank you! That's quite the comment you left me here. I greatly appreciate your kind words. Comments like yours do so much for my motivation and keep me going! It's awesome that you enjoyed CH so much! Honestly, thank you!

Feel free to join the game's Discord, too, if you want to hang out!


what are the cheat codes for the game?


el juego es muy bueno la verdad recientemente lo acabe mas bien hace un par de minutos y que se me apareciera que eso era todo por el momento fue algo loco ya que me tiene atrapado el juego y al fin pude dar de donde proviene ya que el juego lo consegui en un grupo de telegram ahora aqui van mis dudas ¿el juego se encuentra en español? pregunta ya que lo descargue en español mas no se si fueron modificasiones por parte del grupo de telegram otra duda que tengo es si el progreso que llevo en el celular aparecera en la computadora y creo seria todo y mis felicitaciones vertigo de verdad es un juego muy bueno y divertido no puedo esperar aque termine de descargar la actualizasion en mi telefono 


¡Gracias! No, el juego no está en español. Cualquier versión en español está hecha por un fan, ya que yo no hablo español. Esta respuesta está traducida automáticamente también.

No obstante, ¡gracias por tus amables palabras!

En cuanto a tu otra pregunta: Tendrás que empezar una nueva partida cuando pases del ordenador al teléfono o viceversa.


gracias por responder y no tengo mucho problema en que no este en español ya que al pacarme al ordenador sera facil traducir y en cuanto a reiniciar partida tampoco hay problema ya que asi podria explorar las otras respuestas que podia dar sin mas creo es todo muchas gracias por el juego es muy bueno sigue asi :3

Gladly! Enjoy the game and have fun with it. :)

How to get out of the room im stuck

I assume you tried the help button in the top right?

The teddy bear on the top row of the shelf below the poster holds the phone. Click it to advance.

i tried it but nothing happened

The phone is a little small on Android, so you might have to fiddle around with it a little until you hit it.

I'll increase the button's size with the next update so it'll be easier to click on Android.


Am I tripping or the Miko dream scene was taken out? I played this game a long Time ago and I'm 100% sure there was a scene with her fucking in my dream but now even after 2 playthrough I can't get it.


Completely tripping!

No, of course you're not. The scene has been taken out for now and is no longer canon, but will come back at some point as an unlockable scene for the gallery. As to how and when that'll happen..


We'll find out together. :P

Just kidding. I already know, but it's going to be an Easter egg of sorts. :)

(1 edit) (+3)

Oh, alright. Thanks for clearing it up, at least i'm not worried about my sanity anymore :D


So good stuff except for part pick on vertain group of people only that uppesttingy bit on a diff note tho I really want to Reina story Abt her sister and what happened


Hmm, what kind of group? Any picking on groups in CH is in good fun and doesn't necessarily reflect my actual opinion on things. Ultimately I don't care about what people do in their bedrooms (or wherever) as long as there's consent and stuff.

Reina's story will take a bit longer before it really starts out but it will be a doozy!

Glad to hear that you like most of CH, though. :)


It seems picking on one reglion hard while that okay to some extent that sence with Olivia or o I can't remember name extremely upsettomg and difficult to stomach once I okay some joke but it nice they spread another instrad one in particular 


I'm so grumpy haha I downloaded this the day before it updated - finished it in about two days of playing. The cliffhanger had me so bad in v.16 that I had to come back and get v.17 which I already knew was out. I'm REALLY enjoying this so far, and with how often your updates are, I'm definitely hoping you don't run out of steam anytime soon! It's not every day you actually see a game posting monthly updates.


Haha, I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying CH. Sorry about the cliffhanger (not really, but y'know :P)!

Hopefully you didn't jinx it now! But no, I don't think I will run out of steam anytime soon. Got a lot of stuff planned and prepared already and I'm only getting more passionate about the game, the further it progresses.

Thank you for your kind words. :)

Your new font isn't very good yet. It makes it hard for me to see and I can't use google translate to translate the text because the text is hard to see

(3 edits) (+2)

Check out the options. There are settings to customize it.

Probably should've mentioned that somewhere, lol.


I'm having an issue with the new version, everytime I go to update it it says it's not installed because something went wrong

(2 edits)

Yeah, something is weird with Android updates lately. I'll make a dev log with instructions on working around that on here and on Patreon in a moment and then link those in my answer to you.

Edit: Here we go:

I hope this will help you. If not, let me know and I'll try to figure out another solution.


I'm loving this game so far. I don't know how far in I am, but I have about 2/5 of the secret hamsters. I recently restarted the game because I was worried one of the characters was evil and pursuing a relationship with her would hurt other characters. But I'm not sure if that's true or not. 

Some VNs are very deterministic, with routes you can follow. Answering one thing early on may lock you into a route. For instance, flirting with Aki gives you more content with Aki (Not saying I think she's the evil one.) 

But other VNs are more expressive, where your responses determine only what you see and don't stop you from seeing things down the line. The choices are there to help you get invested in the plot and avoid content you don't care about. 

Mainly, I'm looking forward to shacking up in the woods with Kana especially (Kagome may come too) and I don't want to do anything that would be a deal breaker for her. 

Which kind of VN is this? Can I pursue all content as I wish without replaying, or will I need to replay to actually see everything? 


Hi there! Decisions in CH are generally not going to lock you out of full paths. You might miss a scene or two as an immediate consequence of a choice you made, but you'll have another chance to get back onto a girl's path later on, once it becomes relevant again, as long as it makes sense within the confines of the game.

There might be rare exceptions in the future, but so far I don't have any concrete plans for those kind of choices.

I'm also really glad to hear that you enjoy CH. :)


Thank you for your reply. Now I know that I don't always have to be a horndog, and sometimes I prefer being a bit more restrained. 

I'm starting to think Suzu's planning to turn Jun into her service animal.Kana is going to have to share that cabin in the woods with Suzu and Jun. Kagome is still invited. 


You're welcome! And yes, if you prefer to do so, it's generally fine to decide against being a horndog. Like I said, you might have immediate consequences, but nothing too lasting in general. :)

Kana, Suzu, and Jun, huh? That sounds like a fun combination. Putting Kagome into the mix with Suzu around, though.. :D


If Kagome gets over her dislike of Suzu, then the vibration caused by Kagome's eyebrows every time someone says 'big' near Suzu would probably cause structural damage to the cabin's roof. 


Ha! Earthquake Kagome. New ability unlocked.




Couldn't agree more, bud.


fun fact im come from Germany : D  so YIPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEE


That's awesome! :P


Could you please include an option to add a black bar behind texts? Sometimes the texts are really hard to see on mobile, especially when the image below the text is white. 


I'll overhaul the text/text box for the next update anyway. Gonna make sure that it looks better on mobile, too. :)


wow!  Thanks. I thought you were just gonna ignore it. I really appreciate it. :-) 


I try to take feedback into consideration whenever I can. :)


Hey Vertigo, 

you made me an addict ;-)

I simply love the game and have to say, the story and the conversations are nothing but fantastic! Sometimes my belly hurts from laughter, while being impatiant for the next update to come!

Nonetheless, I've got a question: what's your nationality? Due to my profession, I spent quite some time in the US, as well as in Japan and neither have I met an American with such a knowledge about Japan, nor an Japanese being able to "play" with the english language so well!?

Mind telling? Anyway, please keep going!!


Hi there!

Thank you so much, that's awesome to hear! I'm glad you're having fun with the game. :)

I'm German, actually. Never been to Japan or the US. :P
I do, however, use English almost more than German at this point and I've always had a penchant for languages and word plays/puns, I guess.
It's really nice to see that my weird kind of humor is appreciated. Thank you! :D


LOL,I'm German as well and enjoy playing with words likewise. Makes your story even more outstanding! Color me deeply impressed!


Heh, nice! Thank you, man!
Feel free to join the Discord, too, if you want to hang around with others who like CH (including me occasionally, lol). :)


This and Sensei Overnight are the 2 VNs that I check basically weekly at this point. Great job man, the story has me completely hooked. Keep it up


Thank you! I appreciate that a lot. :)

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm enjoying the game and the plot. However, I just downloaded the latest release and when I attempt to start the game, I get the following error (this is the error.txt file contents the game created - playing this on a pc and downloaded the 16.1-pc file):

I'm sorry, but errors were detected in your script. Please correct the errors listed below, and try again.

File "game/CH1b_images.rpy", line 5: Unexpected indentation at start of file.

File "game/CH1c_images.rpy", line 4: Unexpected indentation at start of file.

File "game/CH1d_images.rpy", line 4: Unexpected indentation at start of file.

File "game/CH1e_images.rpy", line 4: Unexpected indentation at start of file.

File "game/CH1f_images.rpy", line 2: Unexpected indentation at start of file.

File "game/CH1g_images.rpy", line 2: Unexpected indentation at start of file.

File "game/CH1h_images.rpy", line 2: Unexpected indentation at start of file.

Ren'Py Version: Ren'Py

Tue Oct 11 20:33:46 2022

Any thoughts as to how I might be able to correct? Thank you and keep up the good work.

I assume you added the new files on top of the old version?
Try making a clean install where you extract 0.16.1 to a completely new folder. That should fix it if I'm not mistaken.

Should that not work, let me know. Either on here or over on Discord. :)


Yes, I had copied the files over the previous version that I had and received that error. I have now tried starting it from it's own folder and the game has started without the error. Thank you for the reply.

You're welcome and I'm glad that it works now. Enjoy. :)


Ngl, came for the girls, stayed for the plot on this one. You've got legit creative talent Vertigo, and that results in a game without cringey forced relationships, something this genre is kinda plagued by typically. Kudos, can't wait for the next update!


Thank you so much! I really appreciate that. :)

Next update is coming soon. Feel free to join the Discord for regular(-ish) updates on the progress and to chat if you want. :)

(2 edits) (+1)

Can't update to 16.1 on android. Keep getting error.

App not installed as package conflicts with existing package

I did have to back up my saves and uninstall/reinstall but it is working now. 

On with the story!


Lucky you! I can't  access  my save file because of android things!! Deleted and restarted from the beginning.


Your stock android file explorer can't find the save files, but there are plenty of explorers in the play store that can, even without rooting. I've had luck with one called X-plore. Start at Android, then data, find the game files, (in this case, it's Vertigo.crimson.high), copy the save folder somewhere temporarily. Then reinstall everything, and paste your save file back in the original location.

Deleted 130 days ago

You may have better luck saving the individual save files to the new install's save folder, rather than trying to move the whole save folder at once. If that doesn't work, you can come to the discord, and I'll help you troubleshoot more.

I jacked it into my PC and used the file explorer there to back up the saves. Deleted the app through android and then reinstalled. Then copied the saves into the new folder

That's sadly a thing that seems to be part of the latest RenPy update. I have yet to figure out a solution for it. Sorry for the inconvenience. I hope you enjoyed the update. :)


Well, I should say it's not much of a game and more of a visual story since there is little interaction but I love it! The story is really entertaining so far, I love the myriad of characters and how they're all different with all their ups and downs, ways to react and so on. You really made a good piece and deserve much respect! Keep up the good work!


Indeed, it's a visual novel and not one of them sandbox games out there. :P
I'm glad to hear that you love it, though! Thank you very much for your kind words!

(1 edit) (+2)

Well, these days most of the time when people hear "visual novel" they expect a kind of game... but you're definitely right, nothing says it should be. They should coin a new term for when they expect that. Anyways, thanks, and you deserve it


Yeah, for some reason they do. I guess the definitions aren't as clear cut anyway. Not that it really matters too much. There will always be hybrids and stuff that will blur the lines. The important thing at the end of the day is that the player has a good time.

Thank you! :)


the visual novel with the best story that I have had the opportunity to play, every moment that ppasse It's a work of art, I can't wait for the next update to come out 


Thank you so much! That's really kind of you! :)
Next update just released for Patrons and will be available to the public in a week from now! :)

What do you use to make the avaters




The download link for android isnt working (could be my phone i suppose) says it stsrts but it never shows up in my files.

I think that's on your end, sorry. You could always try downloading it via PC and then transferring it onto your phone.


I came(heh) for the naughty game, stayed for the story. This is one of the best VN's I have played yet. Especially on this site. The cast feels like actual people, and the story is top notch. Keep up the fantastic work!

PS. I have a love/hate relationship with the cliffhangers. I have said, out loud, TWICE, "Damn... You SoB." 10/10


Hehehehe. I love to hear that! Thank you so much! :)
I'll do my best to keep doing what I'm doing! :)

Cliffhangers are the worst, aren't they? You gotta love 'em. :D


Love this VN btw. The only complains I have are the painful cliffhangers but the storyline and hype makes up for it. 


Glad to hear that, thank you!
Cliffhangers are part of the deal, but it's cool that they are no deal breaker for you. :)


Takashi sex when


Probably not anytime soon, lol


Is pregnancy inside the game or planned to be added?


Nope. Not going to be a thing in CH, sorry.

(2 edits) (+1)

I think Okami3 is the cheekiest of all of the hamsters so far lol. Only just found it after cheating a little to see who was in the image so I could pay more attention to scenes with them.

Also only just noticed Touka isn't in the profiles on MC's phone. Is she not actually a LI or is it just because we have mostly just interacted with her in passing? Though, I suppose it would make sense if she weren't though with the entire class being one.

Edit: Jokes on me commenting before reading the latest Patreon post, lmao


Hehe. Yeah, Okami's is indeed a bit on the harder side. Cheater. :P

Indeed. 0.16 will hopefully make those things a bit more clear.
Touka is indeed not a main love interest. That does not mean that there won't be any content for her, though. Just.. less. :)

Jokes on you indeed, haha. But hey, there is no harm in asking anyway, lol.


Safe from NTR ? And since i see many heroine is there's gonna be a harem ?


Yes and yes!


I wasn't really expecting to like it since I am not particularly into anime but I loved it! 

One thing that has sort of been bugging me is that the principal seems like the MC's best source of information on Myths right now and he doesn't seem to be taking advantage of that very well. I don't believe he has asked her about his abilities, although I would think she could have learned about it already through Reina. I also don't think he has asked her about his connection to Miko (he might have and I just forgot though) or Jun's connection to him either. He also didn't ask her about his telepathic connection to Kana at the end of the current content. Come on, MC! You're a detective! :)

(1 edit) (+3)

He's also in a completely new world to him and being thrown around like a sack of potatoes on an Irish farm. :P
I know some things are "obvious" to the player, but I also try to emulate the confusion he must feel in that situation.
This might be a subjective thing, but I think that, if I were in his position, I'd quickly feel so overwhelmed by new impressions and things that my usual thought processes would be altered by it. Also - and that's not a small feat - shit's happening all around him, so his mind is often preoccupied with the latest development. Plus, some things you as the player know are not what the MC knows or sees.
His abilities for example are something that you recognize as abilities because you are on our side of the 4th wall, whereas he may think of it as just something that happens to him. He doesn't expect to suddenly have abilities at all, since he's "no one special", so to him it may seem weird, but not necessarily like something that's worth asking about when there are so many more important and urgent things happening around him.

It's obviously just me trying to emulate what someone would maybe feel in a similar situation, but I think it adds to the story if the MC doesn't always act perfectly or completely logical. Makes him more authentic in my eyes. :P

That being said, I'm glad to hear that you loved CH! Thanks a lot for playing and enjoying the game! Means a ton! :)


I agree and I like your style of writing and story it reminds me of love and submission

By Veqvil? I loved that game and it's such a shame that it has been abandoned. Thank you. :)

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