Hey do you recommend any other similar story games like this? I really enjoyed playing this visual novel and I wanna play another while I wait for it to update.
Just recently downloaded and got to ch.3. Holy FUCK i slept on this for so long. Im amazed about the story and all of the character far (miko and kana have my heart. fight me).I might have to join your ranks on Patreon. Keep it up Vertigo
Just completed this 10/10 VN on my phone and can't wait for continuation of the story and further updates, wished i could've donated to help with development, but oh well. Also thought (and wished) a few times how story would change if we had a choice to allign ourselves to the Church for example, but hey, it'll just make development harder and longer and that's just a theory... A GAME THEORY!
Not a fan of the religious fanatics, but an antagonistic route to various myths would be interesting. I was testing to see if I could give kana an aneurysm by being obliviously friendly to the succubus. Hilarious, but no consequences. I did find you could close the path with mariko and yui. Blood Orange scene was majestic.
Maybe, yeah. Could very well end up being just one or two years instead, though. All depends on where I end the story, seeing as there is an earlier and a later point where I could do so. We'll see how I feel about things when we get to the earlier point. :)
Got to chapter 4's current stopping point for this version. This game is awesome and stressful at the same time with all the suspense. There really isn't anything about the game I don't like, other than story stuff that triggers me but thats just me being really into the story mostly and being aware of something called morality unlike the seriously messed up antagonists in this game. I was practically in sync with MC when Jun's dad appeared. Also the idea of a religion like that in a modern era is both disgusting and disturbing
So Vertigo GREAT WORK and I hope you complete this game, it is engaging. Also take care of yourself(selves), make sure you take breaks and all that.
man..... I was LIKE man... Waiting for 2 updates instead of diving the latest is very VERY worth it. thanks for unveiling what I've been wondering since its introduction during Chapter 3. Also I feel really bad for a certain Vampire(Avoiding Spoiler huehue) A lot has happened during the span of one Week. Also, JUN, I also Didn't forget about Little JUN well... not so Little anymore but heh. looking forward for 0.38 update (Yes. planning on skipping 2 more updates cuz...
Not necessarily a good reason. Due to her broken mental state, their previous near combat, and general alien nature... You could kind of equate it to the mc trying to get a date by flirting with girls at an abortion clinic. It was a generally a very predatory move that a decent officer should definitely know not to do.
Considering she introduced him into her world, I could most definitely see him latching on her first. That, and the mother laying down vague consequences in an objectively more terrifying variation of "father greeting with a shotgun" should have most definitely had mc gone miko before branching.
The game is really good and I look forward to every update. The only major problem is the small updates, because I want to enjoy an update for a whole evening, not about 30 minutes =(
I also think the game lacks some sort of (manually enabled) hints and explanations of what your current choices affect, because some choices and their consequences are not obvious at all and you can probably miss a lot of content in the future because of that if you don't mess with the game code.
I'm also going to assume that your comment was made from a position of ignorant consumerism and not actual criticism:
I would love to give you longer updates, but my days only have 24 hours, too. Seeing as the updates release on a roughly monthly basis, 30 minutes is the best I can (currently) do without compromising the quality. It may not seem like it, but making this stuff takes time if you want it to be any good. (And between you and me, I'm already putting out a lot more content than the majority of my colleagues, so there's that, too.)
I get where you're coming from with the hint system, but that's kinda like asking for a built-in aimbot in Counter Strike - yeah, it'd ensure that you get the best outcome from any session/playthrough, but it'd also take away any sense of achievement tied to the game. Granted, the comparison is a bit lackluster, seeing as Counter Strike is competitive and CH isn't (as well as a few other factors) but I think you get what I'm saying.
On top of being unnecessary, would adding a hint system like that take a considerable amount of time, which - in turn - would detract from the time I could spend on making actual content for the game, further enhancing the "issue" of the first point of your comment: The more time I spend on adding peripheral features like that, the shorter (or further apart) the actual updates will be.
While I, as a player of other AVN myself, absolutely feel your plight of wanting more content and not wanting to miss anything due to making "wrong" decisions in games, I, as the dev of CH, am also just a single person and can only do so much without risking burnout - in which case there wouldn't be anymore content at all.
Hopefully you'll understand where I'm coming from and that I'm doing my best. Either way, though, I hope you'll keep enjoying CH.
First, I would like to preface that I have only played until around the start of Chapter II. Crimson High seems to be the makings of an excellent AVN. It has been more captivating than most others I have experienced. I did want to point out a detail that I noticed while playing. When encountering Orianna the first and second time, a "crucifix" is mentioned. The error is that a crucifix is a term depicting Jesus crucified. The item seen in your game is instead a cross. Also, consider making the hint for the hamsters more prevalent and more distinctively contrasting against the quick save notification. It's nothing against the feature. I acknowledge that others enjoy it. I like seeing the extra artwork but feel distracted and less immersed in the story when constantly checking for secrets. Otherwise, I have nothing else but praise for this project. Keep up the fantastic work. Have a nice day!
You're right, "crucifix" isn't exactly the right term, but I chose it deliberately, despite that fact. Jesus doesn't exist in the world of CH*, so the crucifix in this world can't be depicting Jesus crucified. Instead, in CH lore, the Church's crucifix is a symbol for converging paths of sacrifice and faith.
On top of that, the term "crucifix" has a way closer tie to vampires in various pieces of vampire mythology than the term "cross" does, seeing as the cross itself is (usually) only considered harmful to vampires while in the context of Christianity, whereas the crucifix always is considered harmful due to its inherent link to Christianity. And, frankly, I personally think "crucifix" just sounds better and more impactful than "cross".
As for the notification stuff for the hamsters.. I'll think about it. You're the first person to tell me that the notifications are too subtle, so I have to assume that most people are fine with them as they are (or just don't care enough to mention it). Now, if I were to make them more obvious, on the other hand, I'm sure I'd get people saying that they are too distracting or something like that, instead. What I potentially could do is to give the player options for the notification's style, even though I honestly don't think it's the best way to spend my time, seeing as it'd take away from the development of actual content. Now, that being said, though, I'll probably still do it, since I enjoy this kinda work and it shouldn't take away too much time. I just can't promise when and how I'm going to implement it, seeing as the hamsters themselves are already just an "extra" feature of CH, and thus this addition is very low priority.
Thanks again for your kind words, though, and have a nice day, too!
TL;DR: No Jesus in CH = crucifix in CH has no Jesus on it Notifications will probably see a change at some point, but no clue when due to low priority
*(Not 100% true, but for reasons, I'll leave it at that)
I was thinking 'i finally found a game thats as good as fall of the angels (probably better)' and literally 5 minutes later i saw the tv scene... i wonder did you get inspired by that game to make a story focused one as well ?
the game overall is 10/10 but i noticed that in the hamster gallery section i saw that even though i found 5 hamsters the photos were still locked so i thought i need to click unlock hamsters to use the ones i found but it unlocked all of them... even if i go back to previous saves they are still unlocked is there a way to 'fix' it ? Also i think a warning for the button would be good too
Yeah, a warning for the button might be a good idea. I'll see that I add that for next update. Also, there sadly isn't an easy way to "fix" this. Best thing I can offer is to create some sort of reset button for the hamsters in general (something I'll likely do anyway) and to send you a fix for this issue in particular, if you tell me which hamsters it were that you accidentally unlocked. There sadly isn't something as simple as an "undo" button or something like that.
Thanks for offering help but its fine no need to send a fix if there isnt an easy one. i can wait for the next update to find the others. i only wanted to say it so if another player sees this they wont do the same mistake as i did. Because finding them was really fun, just playing the game and you just notice a tiny cute hamster looking at you behind a book or something :D
Ah. It seems like I forgot to add the instructions to the dev log this time. Mea culpa.
To install the update-only patch, unzip the contents of the zip file to your current CH root folder (where the .exe file is) and tell it to overwrite when prompted.
Beware: It only works from the last version to this one, meaning your current version needs to be at least v0.34.0 for the update-only patch to work.
I know i left a review before but seriously im loving this story. I just wish you could release new update by the week but I understand how hard it is to release a new version but that's seriously how much I enjoy it
Just.. What the hell is going on on background, when mc speaks with Meritaten in v.35.1?
Is it the same green haired girl walking towards mc during his talk with Meritaten, that passed by on the background behind mc's father during phonecall?
Is it Emica who walked out, saw mc, went back and then looked out from the corner?
I assume it is her talking in cliffhanger, cause mc mentioned he saw white hair while they went to park with Nerez.
Nice update, by the way. Already waiting for new version.
first we got fired and got case with chika closed already. After that we got to know about what happened to chika from Suzu and then going to talk with Yukari about chika. L - logic (idk if this is intended but i got it like that)
P.S. i'm in love with this project it's just too cool and hamsters is cool easter egg and there's just everything good about story it isn't too unknown but in the same time it isn't obvious at first and only thing what putting it a little down is some animations bc they are just slideshows and i'm only on second act as i wrote this
P.P.S. i think it is intended bc there is thought about us not being detective anymore
Yes, that's intentional. Just because the case is over doesn't mean the MC just ignores all the girls and doesn't care about their sides of the story anymore.
Glad you like it. It's only gonna get better going forward.
I assume you're on PC? Did you use the update-only version or the full version? If it's the latter, did you unpack it to a new location or just shove the files in the same folder, overwriting what was there before?
I did use the update only version, and when that did not work downloaded the full version and moved a copy of my saves there to test. I stored it in a separate location for that. Both provided the same error message.
Interesting. Question: Which update did you play last before attempting to play the current one?
To explain my train of thought here: Seeing as you're (so far) the only person to show me this error leads me to believe that it's not an issue with the update itself. Then, the only time I've seen that error being persistent before, was when I switched from RenPy 7.4.8 to 7.5.3 back in like v0.13.0 (or somewhere around there).
The traceback doesn't really give too much information about what's actually wrong, so all I can really offer you is to take a look at your save file and see if I can get it to work on my end or if the save file itself somehow got borked. If you want me to do that, upload the save file to Google Drive or some other file host and send me the link as a reply here and I'll get back to you at some point tomorrow.
No problem, Thank you for your help. I think I will just replay the game at some point, gives me the excuse I need to track down the hamsters I missed. Thank you for such a great game. Though the last update I played was the 0.34 using the update only I believe.
I just finished 0.34 a day ago and decided to check to see if you had announced when the next update would come out just to find that it came out 3 hours ago, now I'm hyped!
I have absolutely loved the story and pace of the game and would recommend anybody who enjoys adult story games to download this. The only hiccup I have about the game is the negative view on Christianity but it is only a small gripe so I just have my head canon that the negativity is directed to the Catholics as I am a protestant. The head cannon being that the protestant reformation in this universe was about a dispute amongst Christians who did and did not accept myths as equals. Supporting evidence being the all men are created equal under God which was first stated in protestant England as well as with the heavy focus of individuality in many protestant nations. over all a 9/10 story
Lost my save and got to go through this all again, but damn it you made a good enough story that I actually want to get back to where I was so I am ready for new update, looking forward to seeing how things go, but I mourn the loss of the smol even if I fully understand the reasoning behind it (and it was done in a somewhat satisfying way for the story as well which is nice bonus)
That's in reference to the free use kink. In case you're not familiar: a consensual sexual relationship where one or both (or more?) parties can engage in sexual activities with the other(s) whenever they want - often with little or no foreplay and a significant lack of mood buildup slash courting. There are all kinds of variations to it, from accessories to signify availability, to sleep sex, to scheduled "free use phases".
I'll give my honest review here. I found this story a while ago and in complete honesty is one of the best ones I've read up til now, if I was to donate to any of the graphic novels, it would be crimson high above all else. I seriously can't wait for v0.35 to be released
I will be completely honest here. Crimson High is the most well thought-out, polished, and most engaging game I have played in a LONG time. It's one of those games that urges you onto the next chapter/story. And it never has a dull moment in character development because you're always meeting to new characters. While I'm not a particular fan of harem games, this game makes me feel like a fucking god amongst men. Very little games achieve what this game has done to my brain and right now, I can not only frame this in my top 1 favorite nsfw game of all time, but also in my top 3 favorite visual novels of all time. Well done, veritgo.
Crimson High has one of the more interesting plotlines I have found from any game on Itch for a while. Characters don't feel like hollow shells just put there to sate the MC's libido, they have depth and a backstory to them. The writing has kept me on my feet with each new revelation or morsel with a greater implication, come questions, questions and more questions.
I look forward to continuing the current content and to see how things play out in the future.
This is one of the best VNs I've played in a long time. I was genuinely sad when I realized I made it to the end of the update, I was eager to see the rest of the story lmao.
Loving the story, really, the slow pacing and building is healing.
There's just a thing that I kinda dislike, even if I kinda get why you had to do it ( there are a lot of games that risked the shut down cz char were to child-like), but that changing on Jun in the new version piss me of. She was different to all the girls, she was a precious with that short hairs and she was also petite, now she's canon with all the others and I feel like she lost part of her personality :c.
Just wanted to point it out as other has done but as a positive criticism.
Nevertheless the writing on the game is top notch, and the story is so original that I've devoured it, so keep it on cause it's marvelous 👌
first of all, thanks for the comment. It's much appreciated.
Well, believe me, in a perfect world, I'd have left Jun as she was (sans character growth etc.) but we're not living in a perfect world, so I did what I had to do. However, I feel like saying that she's like all the others now isn't really fair, cause a) it implies that the others are all the same and b) it implies that Jun was nothing more than her young-ish visuals. She's still the same girl, just in a slightly more appropriate frame.
That being said, I'd suggest just giving her a chance, cause I personally feel like the change to her visuals wasn't detrimental to her as a character - it rather emphasizes her personality in my opinion. She has some more screen time in the next update, which hopefully can show that off a bit more.
It's all good, mate. I get what you're saying. But since her looks were the problem to begin with, there wasn't much I could've done besides doing what I did.
Next update is coming along nicely! It's gonna be out sometime this month. :)
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Hey do you recommend any other similar story games like this? I really enjoyed playing this visual novel and I wanna play another while I wait for it to update.
Eternum. Eternum. Eternum. Best AVN out there hands down. (Although this one could close that gap eventually because its also a banger.)
I think Eternum, Stray Incubus, and World's Crossing Academy. Stories are also very exciting. But more nsfw.
There are more, but with sandbox.Not sure if u like it.
I love Jun's new design
HARD agree. Very well done Vertigo!
Also Vertigo great game so far hope you can keep making great updates like you have been
Who here thought about replaying the entire game after getting to the latest update?
How many chapters do you think there will be?
Just recently downloaded and got to ch.3. Holy FUCK i slept on this for so long. Im amazed about the story and all of the character far (miko and kana have my heart. fight me).I might have to join your ranks on Patreon. Keep it up Vertigo
Thanks, mate! Sorry for the late reply, life has been busy lately. I truly appreciate your comment, though. :)
What version of the game had our characters apartment broken into and destroyed?
0.33 i believe
Just completed this 10/10 VN on my phone and can't wait for continuation of the story and further updates, wished i could've donated to help with development, but oh well. Also thought (and wished) a few times how story would change if we had a choice to allign ourselves to the Church for example, but hey, it'll just make development harder and longer and that's just a theory...
A GAME THEORY!Not a fan of the religious fanatics, but an antagonistic route to various myths would be interesting. I was testing to see if I could give kana an aneurysm by being obliviously friendly to the succubus. Hilarious, but no consequences. I did find you could close the path with mariko and yui. Blood Orange scene was majestic.
Beep boop so edgy.
How many chapters do you plan to give the game?
Not sure yet. I'm roughly aiming for 9-ish, but it might very well end up being less or more.
Gotta wait another 5 years till the game is finished😭
Maybe, yeah. Could very well end up being just one or two years instead, though. All depends on where I end the story, seeing as there is an earlier and a later point where I could do so. We'll see how I feel about things when we get to the earlier point. :)
Got to chapter 4's current stopping point for this version. This game is awesome and stressful at the same time with all the suspense. There really isn't anything about the game I don't like, other than story stuff that triggers me but thats just me being really into the story mostly and being aware of something called morality unlike the seriously messed up antagonists in this game. I was practically in sync with MC when Jun's dad appeared. Also the idea of a religion like that in a modern era is both disgusting and disturbing
So Vertigo GREAT WORK and I hope you complete this game, it is engaging. Also take care of yourself(selves), make sure you take breaks and all that.
Thanks, mate, I appreciate that! :)
man..... I was LIKE man... Waiting for 2 updates instead of diving the latest is very VERY worth it. thanks for unveiling what I've been wondering since its introduction during Chapter 3. Also I feel really bad for a certain Vampire(Avoiding Spoiler huehue) A lot has happened during the span of one Week. Also, JUN, I also Didn't forget about Little JUN well... not so Little anymore but heh. looking forward for 0.38 update (Yes. planning on skipping 2 more updates cuz...
How many chapters does this game currently have?
4 at the moment.
Why, why, why, why the first person to have sex with a pc was not miko but suzu😭😭😭, why, I hate you, Vertigo😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
for starters, the mc got closer to suzu since they do live together and all
Not necessarily a good reason. Due to her broken mental state, their previous near combat, and general alien nature... You could kind of equate it to the mc trying to get a date by flirting with girls at an abortion clinic. It was a generally a very predatory move that a decent officer should definitely know not to do.
Miko supremacy 👍👍
Considering she introduced him into her world, I could most definitely see him latching on her first. That, and the mother laying down vague consequences in an objectively more terrifying variation of "father greeting with a shotgun" should have most definitely had mc gone miko before branching.
The game is really good and I look forward to every update. The only major problem is the small updates, because I want to enjoy an update for a whole evening, not about 30 minutes =(
I also think the game lacks some sort of (manually enabled) hints and explanations of what your current choices affect, because some choices and their consequences are not obvious at all and you can probably miss a lot of content in the future because of that if you don't mess with the game code.
Hi there! I'm glad to hear that you enjoy CH.
I'm also going to assume that your comment was made from a position of ignorant consumerism and not actual criticism:
I would love to give you longer updates, but my days only have 24 hours, too. Seeing as the updates release on a roughly monthly basis, 30 minutes is the best I can (currently) do without compromising the quality. It may not seem like it, but making this stuff takes time if you want it to be any good. (And between you and me, I'm already putting out a lot more content than the majority of my colleagues, so there's that, too.)
I get where you're coming from with the hint system, but that's kinda like asking for a built-in aimbot in Counter Strike - yeah, it'd ensure that you get the best outcome from any session/playthrough, but it'd also take away any sense of achievement tied to the game. Granted, the comparison is a bit lackluster, seeing as Counter Strike is competitive and CH isn't (as well as a few other factors) but I think you get what I'm saying.
On top of being unnecessary, would adding a hint system like that take a considerable amount of time, which - in turn - would detract from the time I could spend on making actual content for the game, further enhancing the "issue" of the first point of your comment: The more time I spend on adding peripheral features like that, the shorter (or further apart) the actual updates will be.
While I, as a player of other AVN myself, absolutely feel your plight of wanting more content and not wanting to miss anything due to making "wrong" decisions in games, I, as the dev of CH, am also just a single person and can only do so much without risking burnout - in which case there wouldn't be anymore content at all.
Hopefully you'll understand where I'm coming from and that I'm doing my best. Either way, though, I hope you'll keep enjoying CH.
First, I would like to preface that I have only played until around the start of Chapter II. Crimson High seems to be the makings of an excellent AVN. It has been more captivating than most others I have experienced. I did want to point out a detail that I noticed while playing. When encountering Orianna the first and second time, a "crucifix" is mentioned. The error is that a crucifix is a term depicting Jesus crucified. The item seen in your game is instead a cross. Also, consider making the hint for the hamsters more prevalent and more distinctively contrasting against the quick save notification. It's nothing against the feature. I acknowledge that others enjoy it. I like seeing the extra artwork but feel distracted and less immersed in the story when constantly checking for secrets. Otherwise, I have nothing else but praise for this project. Keep up the fantastic work. Have a nice day!
Heya. Thanks a lot for the kind words!
You're right, "crucifix" isn't exactly the right term, but I chose it deliberately, despite that fact.
Jesus doesn't exist in the world of CH*, so the crucifix in this world can't be depicting Jesus crucified. Instead, in CH lore, the Church's crucifix is a symbol for converging paths of sacrifice and faith.
On top of that, the term "crucifix" has a way closer tie to vampires in various pieces of vampire mythology than the term "cross" does, seeing as the cross itself is (usually) only considered harmful to vampires while in the context of Christianity, whereas the crucifix always is considered harmful due to its inherent link to Christianity. And, frankly, I personally think "crucifix" just sounds better and more impactful than "cross".
As for the notification stuff for the hamsters.. I'll think about it. You're the first person to tell me that the notifications are too subtle, so I have to assume that most people are fine with them as they are (or just don't care enough to mention it). Now, if I were to make them more obvious, on the other hand, I'm sure I'd get people saying that they are too distracting or something like that, instead.
What I potentially could do is to give the player options for the notification's style, even though I honestly don't think it's the best way to spend my time, seeing as it'd take away from the development of actual content.
Now, that being said, though, I'll probably still do it, since I enjoy this kinda work and it shouldn't take away too much time. I just can't promise when and how I'm going to implement it, seeing as the hamsters themselves are already just an "extra" feature of CH, and thus this addition is very low priority.
Thanks again for your kind words, though, and have a nice day, too!
No Jesus in CH = crucifix in CH has no Jesus on it
Notifications will probably see a change at some point, but no clue when due to low priority
*(Not 100% true, but for reasons, I'll leave it at that)
I agree with this person the hamster notifications feel a little too subtle
Hamsters, the true deific entity of CH universe
Show post...
Again, no. Sorry.
Wanna see this cool picture?
I was thinking 'i finally found a game thats as good as fall of the angels (probably better)' and literally 5 minutes later i saw the tv scene... i wonder did you get inspired by that game to make a story focused one as well ?
Actually, no, I didn't know FotA when I started making CH. 13th and I met through the Discord. :)
the game overall is 10/10 but i noticed that in the hamster gallery section i saw that even though i found 5 hamsters the photos were still locked so i thought i need to click unlock hamsters to use the ones i found but it unlocked all of them... even if i go back to previous saves they are still unlocked is there a way to 'fix' it ? Also i think a warning for the button would be good too
Love the rating.
Yeah, a warning for the button might be a good idea. I'll see that I add that for next update. Also, there sadly isn't an easy way to "fix" this. Best thing I can offer is to create some sort of reset button for the hamsters in general (something I'll likely do anyway) and to send you a fix for this issue in particular, if you tell me which hamsters it were that you accidentally unlocked. There sadly isn't something as simple as an "undo" button or something like that.
Thanks for offering help but its fine no need to send a fix if there isnt an easy one. i can wait for the next update to find the others. i only wanted to say it so if another player sees this they wont do the same mistake as i did. Because finding them was really fun, just playing the game and you just notice a tiny cute hamster looking at you behind a book or something :D
Heh, alright. Glad you enjoy the hamster hunt as a whole. :)
Sorry if I'm being dumb. But how do I play the "update only" one? Should I copy/paste the folders to somewhere?
Ah. It seems like I forgot to add the instructions to the dev log this time. Mea culpa.
To install the update-only patch, unzip the contents of the zip file to your current CH root folder (where the .exe file is) and tell it to overwrite when prompted.
Beware: It only works from the last version to this one, meaning your current version needs to be at least v0.34.0 for the update-only patch to work.
Oh I see. Thanks a lot!
Show post...
or English?
No Spanish, sorry
dude why did you have to use such a realistic knock sfx 😭
I know, right?! It gets even me most of the time, and I put the damn thing there lol
I know i left a review before but seriously im loving this story. I just wish you could release new update by the week but I understand how hard it is to release a new version but that's seriously how much I enjoy it
Believe me, I wish I could do that, too. Alas, I need to eat and sleep and do all those annoying "human things", everyone's raving about all the time.
Thanks for your comment, though! Glad you enjoy CH. :)
Just.. What the hell is going on on background, when mc speaks with Meritaten in v.35.1?
Is it the same green haired girl walking towards mc during his talk with Meritaten, that passed by on the background behind mc's father during phonecall?
Is it Emica who walked out, saw mc, went back and then looked out from the corner?
I assume it is her talking in cliffhanger, cause mc mentioned he saw white hair while they went to park with Nerez.
Nice update, by the way. Already waiting for new version.
Heh, that's a bunch of questions you have there. The respective answers are:
Things :P
Who knows
And of course: Thanks! Glad you liked it!
first we got fired and got case with chika closed already. After that we got to know about what happened to chika from Suzu and then going to talk with Yukari about chika. L - logic (idk if this is intended but i got it like that)
P.S. i'm in love with this project it's just too cool and hamsters is cool easter egg and there's just everything good about story it isn't too unknown but in the same time it isn't obvious at first and only thing what putting it a little down is some animations bc they are just slideshows and i'm only on second act as i wrote this
P.P.S. i think it is intended bc there is thought about us not being detective anymore
Yes, that's intentional. Just because the case is over doesn't mean the MC just ignores all the girls and doesn't care about their sides of the story anymore.
Glad you like it. It's only gonna get better going forward.
im so high on crimson right now you wouldn't believe it
Nice. Don't need an AA meeting for that kinda high.
The latest update does not work with any of my saves and this is the error message.I am working with an up to date version of the game.
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "renpy/common/00action_file.rpy", line 463, in __call__
Exception: Couldn't find a place to stop rolling back. Perhaps the script changed in an incompatible way?
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 28, in script
python hide:
File "renpy/ast.py", line 1131, in execute
renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide, store=self.store)
File "renpy/python.py", line 1061, in py_exec_bytecode
exec(bytecode, globals, locals)
File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 28, in <module>
python hide:
File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 35, in _execute_python_hide
File "renpy/ui.py", line 299, in interact
rv = renpy.game.interface.interact(roll_forward=roll_forward, **kwargs)
File "renpy/display/core.py", line 3377, in interact
repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, pause=pause, pause_start=pause_start, pause_modal=pause_modal, **kwargs) # type: ignore
File "renpy/display/core.py", line 4258, in interact_core
rv = root_widget.event(ev, x, y, 0)
File "renpy/display/layout.py", line 1175, in event
rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)
File "renpy/display/transition.py", line 53, in event
return self.new_widget.event(ev, x, y, st) # E1101
File "renpy/display/layout.py", line 1175, in event
rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)
File "renpy/display/layout.py", line 1175, in event
rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)
File "renpy/display/screen.py", line 743, in event
rv = self.child.event(ev, x, y, st)
File "renpy/display/layout.py", line 1175, in event
rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)
File "renpy/display/layout.py", line 1399, in event
rv = super(Window, self).event(ev, x, y, st)
File "renpy/display/layout.py", line 279, in event
rv = d.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, st)
File "renpy/display/layout.py", line 1175, in event
rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)
File "renpy/display/layout.py", line 1399, in event
rv = super(Window, self).event(ev, x, y, st)
File "renpy/display/layout.py", line 279, in event
rv = d.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, st)
File "renpy/display/layout.py", line 1175, in event
rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)
File "renpy/display/layout.py", line 279, in event
rv = d.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, st)
File "renpy/display/behavior.py", line 1073, in event
return handle_click(self.clicked)
File "renpy/display/behavior.py", line 1008, in handle_click
rv = run(action)
File "renpy/display/behavior.py", line 329, in run
return action(*args, **kwargs)
File "renpy/common/00action_file.rpy", line 463, in __call__
File "renpy/loadsave.py", line 769, in load
log.unfreeze(roots, label="_after_load")
File "renpy/rollback.py", line 1078, in unfreeze
self.rollback(0, force=True, label=label, greedy=greedy, on_load=True)
File "renpy/rollback.py", line 889, in rollback
File "renpy/rollback.py", line 807, in load_failed
raise Exception("Couldn't find a place to stop rolling back. Perhaps the script changed in an incompatible way?")
Exception: Couldn't find a place to stop rolling back. Perhaps the script changed in an incompatible way?
Windows-10-10.0.22621 AMD64
CrimsonHigh 0.35.1
Sun Jul 7 16:42:18 2024
I assume you're on PC? Did you use the update-only version or the full version? If it's the latter, did you unpack it to a new location or just shove the files in the same folder, overwriting what was there before?
I did use the update only version, and when that did not work downloaded the full version and moved a copy of my saves there to test. I stored it in a separate location for that. Both provided the same error message.
Interesting. Question: Which update did you play last before attempting to play the current one?
To explain my train of thought here: Seeing as you're (so far) the only person to show me this error leads me to believe that it's not an issue with the update itself. Then, the only time I've seen that error being persistent before, was when I switched from RenPy 7.4.8 to 7.5.3 back in like v0.13.0 (or somewhere around there).
The traceback doesn't really give too much information about what's actually wrong, so all I can really offer you is to take a look at your save file and see if I can get it to work on my end or if the save file itself somehow got borked. If you want me to do that, upload the save file to Google Drive or some other file host and send me the link as a reply here and I'll get back to you at some point tomorrow.
No problem, Thank you for your help. I think I will just replay the game at some point, gives me the excuse I need to track down the hamsters I missed. Thank you for such a great game. Though the last update I played was the 0.34 using the update only I believe.
Hmm, alright. Let me know, should something like this come up again. Glad you're enjoying the game, mate. Have fun going through again. :)
I just finished 0.34 a day ago and decided to check to see if you had announced when the next update would come out just to find that it came out 3 hours ago, now I'm hyped!
Love the game mate keep it up!
Couldn't have gone any better than that. :P
Thanks, mate!
I have absolutely loved the story and pace of the game and would recommend anybody who enjoys adult story games to download this. The only hiccup I have about the game is the negative view on Christianity but it is only a small gripe so I just have my head canon that the negativity is directed to the Catholics as I am a protestant. The head cannon being that the protestant reformation in this universe was about a dispute amongst Christians who did and did not accept myths as equals. Supporting evidence being the all men are created equal under God which was first stated in protestant England as well as with the heavy focus of individuality in many protestant nations. over all a 9/10 story
Thanks, mate. Nice of you to say. :)
Lost my save and got to go through this all again, but damn it you made a good enough story that I actually want to get back to where I was so I am ready for new update, looking forward to seeing how things go, but I mourn the loss of the smol even if I fully understand the reasoning behind it (and it was done in a somewhat satisfying way for the story as well which is nice bonus)
Sorry to hear about your save. At least you got to replay the game that way, though.
Thanks for your kind words and your understanding!
When you say "free use" in the future fetishes list. What exactly do you mean?
That's in reference to the free use kink. In case you're not familiar: a consensual sexual relationship where one or both (or more?) parties can engage in sexual activities with the other(s) whenever they want - often with little or no foreplay and a significant lack of mood buildup slash courting. There are all kinds of variations to it, from accessories to signify availability, to sleep sex, to scheduled "free use phases".
Okay thanks man. I thought you meant more along the lines of sharing free use. Glad to hear it's not.
Oh no, don't worry. No sharing with other guys in CH.
W vn, W story, W creator
W comment
Im really enjoying the game so far about how often do the updates happen if you dont mind me asking?
Glad to hear! CH updates release on a roughly monthly schedule - usually 4-5 weeks between updates. :)
hmm ok good to know looking forward to the next update
I'll give my honest review here. I found this story a while ago and in complete honesty is one of the best ones I've read up til now, if I was to donate to any of the graphic novels, it would be crimson high above all else. I seriously can't wait for v0.35 to be released
Thanks a ton! Glad to hear that! :)
I will be completely honest here. Crimson High is the most well thought-out, polished, and most engaging game I have played in a LONG time. It's one of those games that urges you onto the next chapter/story. And it never has a dull moment in character development because you're always meeting to new characters. While I'm not a particular fan of harem games, this game makes me feel like a fucking god amongst men. Very little games achieve what this game has done to my brain and right now, I can not only frame this in my top 1 favorite nsfw game of all time, but also in my top 3 favorite visual novels of all time. Well done, veritgo.
Well, damn! Thanks a lot, mate. That's really kind of you to say and lovely to read. :)
ofc dude! also the hamster mechanic is fucking hilarious
Crimson High has one of the more interesting plotlines I have found from any game on Itch for a while. Characters don't feel like hollow shells just put there to sate the MC's libido, they have depth and a backstory to them. The writing has kept me on my feet with each new revelation or morsel with a greater implication, come questions, questions and more questions.
I look forward to continuing the current content and to see how things play out in the future.
Thanks, mate. Glad you enjoy the game!
This is one of the best VNs I've played in a long time. I was genuinely sad when I realized I made it to the end of the update, I was eager to see the rest of the story lmao.
Keep it up, so far it's going reslly great!
Thanks a lot! Happy to hear that you enjoyed it. :)
This has to be my favorite VN by far!!! I cannot wait to see it fully finished.
Glad to hear, mate. Thanks for your comment! :)
Loving the story, really, the slow pacing and building is healing.
There's just a thing that I kinda dislike, even if I kinda get why you had to do it ( there are a lot of games that risked the shut down cz char were to child-like), but that changing on Jun in the new version piss me of. She was different to all the girls, she was a precious with that short hairs and she was also petite, now she's canon with all the others and I feel like she lost part of her personality :c.
Just wanted to point it out as other has done but as a positive criticism.
Nevertheless the writing on the game is top notch, and the story is so original that I've devoured it, so keep it on cause it's marvelous 👌
Hey there,
first of all, thanks for the comment. It's much appreciated.
Well, believe me, in a perfect world, I'd have left Jun as she was (sans character growth etc.) but we're not living in a perfect world, so I did what I had to do.
However, I feel like saying that she's like all the others now isn't really fair, cause a) it implies that the others are all the same and b) it implies that Jun was nothing more than her young-ish visuals. She's still the same girl, just in a slightly more appropriate frame.
That being said, I'd suggest just giving her a chance, cause I personally feel like the change to her visuals wasn't detrimental to her as a character - it rather emphasizes her personality in my opinion. She has some more screen time in the next update, which hopefully can show that off a bit more.
Again, thanks for the comment, though. :)
Oh sorry, I didn't mean to say that all char are the same abs offend your work, that isn't the case.
Clearly every char, gurls and Bois too, has a personal story and a way to see things that is really interesting.
It was mainly for aesthetic since she seemed petite and innocent. But again, nevertheless I can't wait to play next update!
It's all good, mate. I get what you're saying. But since her looks were the problem to begin with, there wasn't much I could've done besides doing what I did.
Next update is coming along nicely! It's gonna be out sometime this month. :)